
what the hell is this?

  • Harry Slaughter

    Harry Slaughter - 2001-12-27

    I'm a big fan of using the web to research anything from software to movies. I'm also a big fan of But Epinions has been overtaken by its own commercial interests. I don't blame them for trying to make money at what they do, but I need a place where I can get the type of info they offer without having to sort through all the noise.  As far as Epinions goes, I can't tell the advertising from the content half the time.

    So I'm developing what will hopefully become an alternative to Epinions. It will be GPL'd so anyone who doesn't like implementations of this opinion-board is welcome to fire up his own.

    • Harry Slaughter

      Harry Slaughter - 2005-04-17

      this is really something i intend to get going one day, really!

      i got addicted to <a href="">collaborative filtering</a> when <a href=""></a>  came out.

      i was surprised at how accurately the movie suggestions were as i rated more and more movies. now many places like amazon and music sellers are using CF to help people find stuff they might like.

      i think CF along with epinions type of product rating system could really help people find what they are looking for, regardless of the type of product it is.


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