
ACAPI / Blog: Recent posts


Users should be able to subscribe to events, and be able to choose which calendar to show the events in. F.x. imagine a user like 2-3 tv'series/shows, and the tv channel then offer a feed link to when theese shows a shown each week, then the user can subscribe to theese and easily in his/her calender see the schedule, without having to check a general tv schedule with a lot that doesnt interest them. Or it could be sport events, or similar. ... read more

Posted by stig tanggaard 2012-05-22

Ical export

As first simple export to Ical version is ready. I successfully imported events to google calendar. Still needs a bit modifications: Adding timezone option to a calendar (by default it can be read from the javascript date object, but probably still should allow user to set it himself), and timestamp and last modified dates for entries.

Posted by stig tanggaard 2012-05-22