
ACal Web Calendar / News: Recent posts

1.8 Final Released

I haven't had any more reports of problems with Beta-2 so I've finished the documentation and built the installer so ACal 1.8 is released!

I'm going to focus now on ACal 2.0 (the rewrite) so 1.8-1.9 will be smaller updates just to keep it going.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-04-08

ACal 1.8 Beta

ACal 1.8 Beta has been released. We encourage you to test this out and use it as much as possible since we want this to be a great release! Among other things here's the major changes in this release.

Everything now uses PHP instead of a Perl CGI Script. This really reduces system requirements and makes it easier to install.
Setting up ACal is easier than it ever was. All you have to do is upload/copy it and than go to it in your browser where it checks to make sure it's setup correctly and than you can set the username and password. You don't have to edit a single file or anything. It's really as simple as drag and drop!... read more

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-04-06

ACal 1.7.2

The ACal Project has moved to Along with this move we released a small update, version 1.7.2 which is a bug fix. Development continues on v1.8.

Posted by Arthur Wiebe 2004-03-31