

  • KevDog

    KevDog - 2009-11-19

    I know this is going to sound extremely weak however I cant install the plugin - and I've tried for like 2 hours.

    Just a quick summary. 
    C:\Program Files\KeePass
    is KeePass.exe and your AnotherBackupPlugin.dll 

    However when starting the KeePass executable from the command line
    and going into the Plugins window (Tools->Plugins) - There is nothing listed.  Im using 1.16 KP version and ABP 1.9-1.14

    Yes and I know a really weak question but its really bugging me

  • Peter Jam

    Peter Jam - 2009-11-19

    I'm not sure why I was notified of your post other tha i had a similar problem and Bill Rubin helped me.  His web site is: is the most recent version of ABP so I would start there.  My properties looks like this:
    "C:\Program Files\KeePass Password Safe\KeePass.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\slospjam\My Documents\Personal-docs\Database.kdb" /backup.path:"P:\Backups\".
    P is my mapped network drive but could be a USB stick or whatever you want.
    Hope that helps,

  • KevDog

    KevDog - 2009-11-19

    Thanks that upgrade to the new version was the trick  Thanks!!

    Can you use ssh or a script file that utilizes that would act as the backup location?  I see the program is capable of using putty!

  • Peter Jam

    Peter Jam - 2009-11-19

    Sorry, don't know the answer to that, I had enough trouble just getting it to backup.  You might try asking Bill Rubin.  he was very helpful to me, several e-mails until i got it right.

  • Bill Rubin

    Bill Rubin - 2009-11-19

    Sorry, kevdogger, I really don't understand your question.  Is this really a question about ABP, or about KeePass?  If about ABP, can you rephrase?

  • Peter Jam

    Peter Jam - 2009-11-19

    I just meant if you wanted to do something more with ABP, Bill Rubin is the author and could help more than anyone else.

  • KevDog

    KevDog - 2009-11-20

    My question is regarding the backup location.  As it stands right now it seems the backup location is a local file.  I was wondering however if the backup location could be a file in a remote location as accessed by the use of ssh.   This would probably be overly complex - and now that I think about it further - although it would seem theoretically possible it would be a pain to implement crossplatform.  Thanks for your opinions however.

  • Bill Rubin

    Bill Rubin - 2009-11-20

    I may enhance ABP at some point to provide the ability to back up through FTP and/or Amazon S3, etc.  But currently only ordinary files are supported.  The backup file can be on a R/W network drive.


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