
abNORM goes Stable! -- 0.1.102 (Stable) released

abNORM is a .NET based Object Relational Mapper which focuses on an easy, quick to learn API. It features forward- and reverse engineering of datamodels. Supported databases are Ingres, PostgreSQL and Oracle. Support for MySQL and MS SQL Server planned.

Yes, finally abNORM is going stable! This release has only a few really small fixes to the RC 1.

Go ahead and try it:

Or, visit the project page:

Changes in abNORM 0.1.102 (stable)

- Small bugfix in the ModelGenerator
- Added a "You need to be Admin" to the installer, since,
the assemblys can only be registered in the GAC as Admin.

abNORM Features:
- Full object mapping feature set
- Creating tables/sequences/foreign keys in the database from annotated C# classes
- Creating C# classes from database tables (only Ingres supported at the moment)
- Database Concurrency Detection
- Differential Updates
- Supported database-backends:
- Ingres
- Postgres
- Oracle
- .NET drivers for backend databases are included
- WiX based installer to install everything to the Global Assembly Cache

Help wanted:
If you are interested in the development and/or testing of this project, and would like to contribute, feel free to contact me (

Posted by Thomas Glaser 2007-09-10

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