
Abandoned Mansion Code Wiki


As this project is currently in a pre-alpha state and therefore, still under heavy development, the source code is being offered by two means. First there is a zip file available for download that contains only the source code with no extra information. There is also, however, an SVN repository that contains the source code and all the other project files related to development using Code::Blocks.

Currently, I am writing Abandoned Mansion using Code::Blocks on Windows 7, so the binary files that are currently in the SVN repository are not universal, though the source code itself should compile quite nicely on any machine, as I haven't utilized any Windows-specific libraries (and don't intend to) in developing this program.

This is a personal project, so while I am willing to let you have the code to play with and do with as you please, I am not looking for developers to help me.


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