
abd / News: Recent posts

Homepage started

I wrote a simple page for the Sf homepage ( News will be posted there from now on :)

Posted by Anonymous 2005-11-24

Change of plans (client)

OK, so I've been searching around for a way to have a nice command line client with python, but apparently it *can't* be done, or it would take me more time to do the command line client than the graphical one. So I did start a wxPython client. For the moment it's going pretty fast, since my teachers are on a strike and I have 6-days weekends... Anyways, I think I will release this first client in about a week, but don't expect anything insanely stable.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-11-23

First release!

Well, there it is, the first release of my own oss project :) To sum up, abd is an address book daemon, it is intended to be very easy to use and setup.
For the moment, there is no real client, just a _debug_ one, but I will have a nice command line client in the next release (should be a couple of weeks), and soon after that, two graphical clients: one written in python, and the other in java.
If you're interested in using/testing this project, please read the documentation in the doc/ subdir.
There is no cvs for now, since I'm the only developper, there is no need for that.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-11-16