
The ABC Music Project / News: Recent posts

iabc 1.0.1 win32 exe

This is fixed now...the executable was missing from
the previous release.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-08-22

iabc updates

There has been a new official release, and new
documentation for iabc. There are also new, un-
released features available. Check the homepage:

Posted by Anonymous 2003-12-30

New iabc version released

iabc 0.7 has been released. Click the 'iabc' link or
check the home page for details.

For comments, contact:

Posted by Anonymous 2003-01-25


(But nobody gets laid off :-)
- Removed some dead links
- Released new software:
- jcabc2ps - the jc is for John Chambers
- abc2midi - moved from the home page link
- iabc - GUI interactive text editor

Posted by Anonymous 2002-10-15

abc2mtex demonstration

John Walsh has submitted a proof of concept demonstration of extending abc2mtex to deal with the V: and w: fields.

Check out the CVS at

Posted by Laura Conrad 2001-01-26

new member

Thornton Rose (trose) joined the project.

Posted by Bert Van Vreckem 2000-12-01


The abcMIDI sourcecode is now available at

Posted by Laura Conrad 2000-07-11


The Nottingham Music Database is now
reachable from

Posted by Laura Conrad 2000-07-11