
New feature

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It's possible to add the export to gif/bmp file of score notation window?

    Thank you and good enhancing!


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2002-11-29

      I had planned on adding an export feature, possibly as soon as the next release, to .pdf and possible ps format (technically you could get .ps format now by just printing to a .ps printer and saving to a file).

      .gif wouldn't be so hard, except its not really clear what resolution to use - I'd assume the same as the screen resolution?  Also all the last few Windows OS's have the print-screen feature enabled that lets you do this, although admittedly its easier in the program.

      Thanks for your feedback!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      If it's possible, I'd like to have an export function that works one line at time so it's easier to paste it in a word document.


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