
AAMP / News: Recent posts

Now with visualizations

Well it has been quite a while since the last update, and as usual my other life "got in the way" of developing, slowing the process down greatly. That and I found Project Euler.... :D

Nether less in most of my spare time I've been ironing out some bugs and adding new features, so hopefully this is a better release. I finally added support for visualizations which is a VERY big move both in implementation. It still doesn't work full screen (kept crashing after going normal -> full -> normal -> full) so I disabled it to prevent issues... I also added a few features so you know that AAMP is working (splash screen and file searching progress for folders). I also added "Now playing image" so all you people that like to let everyone know what songs you're listening to. For a sample of my now playing image (should be updated a fair bit) see here:
I have so many more plans for the image it isn't funny. But that will have to be in later versions. I would add it as an image, but I have no idea how... LOL! And for you MSN users it also updates the status (provided you've told MSN to do that... If you use MSN I presume you know how... =]) I plan to make that customizable as well. ... read more

Posted by Brett Francis 2009-07-15


AAMP has been updated again. I have added quite a lot more functions in, so therefore more the features are working (hopefully). I would greatly appreciate any feedback, so drop me a line in the forums, report a bug or request a feature in the tracker.



Posted by Brett Francis 2009-06-21