
Access to the schemasoft source for compiling on Linux arm64? Any other queries relating to schemasoft/libgsf

Nick Paul
  • Nick Paul

    Nick Paul - 2022-07-20


    Is there any possibility of getting access to the schemasoft source? I have seen a comment from 4 years ago saying "Stay tuned. Hopefully a solution will be forthcomming." :-)

    I have made changes to support compiling on Linux aarch64 (arm64) but have hit the classic problem of needing libSSRW2C.a.

    e.g. I am at the following point:

    No rule to make target '../../AAFaarch64LinuxSDK/g++/sss-impl/libSSRW2C.a

    The other alternative question is whether someone can provide a build of of this library for Linux aarch64?

    Another alternative is to try libgsf. However I am completely unable to work out how to get the following commands to make use of libgsf instead:

    cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DPLATFORM=gcc48 -DARCH=aarch64 -DLIBGSF_PATH=/usr/local/gsf -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..
    make MakeSDK

    The release notes briefly say to use:

    make LIBGSF_PATH=/usr/local

    however this seems to have no effect.

    I can't see any logic flags in the make files to disable usage of schemasoft and use libgsf instead?

    Does anyone have any pointers on this?


  • Ron Novy

    Ron Novy - 2023-01-14

    I'm trying to do the same thing for Windows 11 ARM by creating an ARM64X compilation. ARM64X requires both ARM64 and ARM64EC targets in order to get the ARM64X to work and I'm stuck at this stupid Schemasoft library again. I've used the other structured storage libraries before but they don't seem to be 100% compatible with the files created by Schemasoft code and I have no idea why.


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