John Emmas - 2006-11-14

One of my customers keeps sending me AAF files that always have a common problem... simply opening the files and closing them again causes hundreds of memory leaks. I don't need to do anything at all to the file. Simply open it for read access, close it again, release the IAAFFile pointer and bingo - hundreds of memory leaks. This never happens with any files that I receive from anyone else.

According to the identification header, the files are being produced on Avid Xpress Pro HD version 5.2.4. I don't know if this is a known problem with that particular product - or whether there's something strange about my customer's installation - or whether there's something wrong with my library build!

Is there anyone who'd have 10 minutes or so to spare just to try this out for me and verify it? I could email you a small sample AAF file (1.4Mb). All you need to do is open it in a suitable debugger, close it again and see if you get the same problem.