John Emmas - 2006-04-06

Bit of a long shot but I wondered if anyone might be able to help with this problem.... A customer has sent me an AAF file generated by Avid which fails to import with my AAF software. I’m not certain what type of Avid this is (Adrenaline, Symphony etc) but something fairly modern (i.e. not an out-of-date system).

At the point where the import fails, I’m processing an effect (specifically, processing one of the effect parameters). I use the following snippet of code to obtain the effect’s typeDef ID, given only the IAAFParameter (in the code that follows, ‘pParam’ is a pointer to a valid IAAFParameter type):-

IAAFMetaDefinition* pMetaDef;
IAAFTypeDef* pTypeDef;
aafUID_t typeDefUID;

pTypeDef->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFMetaDefinition, (void **)&pMetaDef);

By the end of this process, the typeDefUID is as follows:-

{0x0f96cb41, 0x2aa8, 0x11d4, {0xa0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x04, 0xac, 0x96,0x9f, 0x50}}

This doesn’t correspond to any of the known AAFTypeID constants, as far as I’m aware. Of course, it might just be that the AAF file is corrupted but my customer has exported the project several times and the same thing happens each time.

I just wondered if that particular type ID rings any bells with anyone.... for example, might it be a private Avid type?