
Structured Storage library...

Ron Novy
  • Ron Novy

    Ron Novy - 2013-12-25

    Someone has asked me to compile the library using the static version of the Microsoft run-time to avoid the need for the msvcrxxx.dll installation. I have gotten most of the library to compile with the /MT flag but I think the ssrw_c.lib was compiled with different flags. Can someone confirm this and possibly provide another version of ssrw_c.lib for use with a static run-time?

    I've also tried using MinGW and libgsf to compile a static version of the library but we had issues with files larger then 2GB using that version. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Robert

    Robert - 2014-02-13

    I've got exactly the same problem. We can re-compile all parts of the SDK with the /MT flag, but unfortunately this structured storage library is not available as source code. So, the original author of the library needs to provide versions built against the static runtime.

    Who is the owner of the source code and needs to be asked to provide this?


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