

  • gudd_dabei

    gudd_dabei - 2005-11-25


    I have a problem with one of the c++ example files from the SDK. I compiled it. No problems there. But when I run it from DOS I get the message:

    Error '80120097' returned at line 254 in c:\ ... \exportDV\exportDV.cpp

    When I look at Visual C++ 6.0 at the CPP file at line 254, i find the function CreateEsence.

    What might I have done wrong?

    • Stuart Cunningham

      Error '80120097' corresponds to "CODEC_INVALID" (see  ref-impl/include/AAFResult.h).  This may happen if the CDCI Codec attempted to compress to DV without a supported dv compression library being available.  Currently, only libdv is supported.

      With no command-line options, ExportDV will attempt to use the libdv library to encode a sequence of uncompressed colour bars and store it in an AAF file.  libdv must be installed when you build the SDK to support this usage.  libdv uses POSIX APIs so requires additional libraries to be installed under Win32.  Under Linux libdv is usually installed with the OS and it will just work.

      You may still run the ExportDV example by providing it compressed DV files.  E.g.
        ExportDV -rawDV bars.dv

      • gudd_dabei

        gudd_dabei - 2005-12-01

        Even if I provide compressed DV files, it gives me the same errorcode.

        I am using Windows 2000 Professional and not XP, might that be the problem?

    • gudd_dabei

      gudd_dabei - 2005-11-28

      thanks for the answer.

      where do i get/find libDV?

      sorry, if the questions are a little stupid. I am usually not a programmer, but for my thesis I have to...

    • gudd_dabei

      gudd_dabei - 2005-11-28

      I found libDV here at, but as far as I saw it there were only versions for Linux and none for windows. Or am I wrong?


      • Stuart Cunningham

        libdv is ported to all POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like) operating systems but not win32.  If you really want to run on win32 you could modify the source of libdv to change the POSIX API calls to win32 calls, but I can't estimate how much work that would be.

    • gudd_dabei

      gudd_dabei - 2005-11-29

      And there is no equivalent for win32 to make it work?

    • Josh Harris

      Josh Harris - 2005-12-01

      Yes, I am curious about the same thing.  I even tried modifying the source code using Cedocida DV encoder (a Windows open source DV encoder: ) in place of libdv and recompiling with USE_LIBDV but I still get the same error.

    • Josh Harris

      Josh Harris - 2005-12-01

      The problems probably arises because the entire AAF library is not compiling correctly.  When I run ComModAAF.exe I get 120 tests successfully passed, but 8 failed tests (mostly dealing with the plugin manager and codecs).

    • Josh Harris

      Josh Harris - 2005-12-02

      It seems that I overlooked dll storage locations.  "AAFINTP.dll" and "AAFPGAPI.dll" have to be in a subfolder called "aafext" in the same root folder as "AAFCOAPI.dll."  Now that I figured that out, ComModAAF.exe runs with no tests failed.

      And my modifications to use Cedocida DV as a replacement for LIBDV seem to have worked.  I am able to generate ExportDV.aaf with 1,617,920 bytes.  It doesn't import into any program that I have (Avid Express Pro or After Effects) but I can then successfully use ImportDV.exe to convert it to a raw dv file which imports correctly into both programs.

      • Stuart Cunningham

        See the following thread for more details on the aafext/AAFINTP.ddl and aafext/AAFPGAPI.dll locations.  Another problem to do with structure member alignment relevant to plugin loading in described earlier in the thread:

        Josh, can you provide your source code modifications?  If you have cygwin installed you can produce a patch file using:
          diff -Nru original_tree modified_tree
        and add it to the Patches section of this project.  Or just email a zip of the modified files to stuart_hc (

    • John Emmas

      John Emmas - 2006-02-17

      Stuart / Josh

      Did the modifications for using Cedocida DV get checked in eventually? I'm also trying to use ExportDV and hitting the same problems as everyone else.

      Most annoyingly, the LibDV project boasts about how its codec will run on a host of platforms, including Win32. But when I tried to join the LibDV project and download the Win32 version, I was told that the Windows port still hasn't been attempted!

      • Stuart Cunningham

        The modifications which Josh Harris undertook did not get checked in as work is underway to use ffmpeg's libavcodec instear.  Josh's work is available on the patch tracker though:

        Development on libdv is essentially dead - even Kino can now use libavcodec instead of libdv.


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