
#13 IAAFDictionary::GetClassDefs incomplete

Phil Tudor

Some AAF v1.0 class definitions (in this example
the 'TapeDescriptor' class definition) are not returned by
the dictionary when the 'GetClassDefs' method is used.

However, the class definition is present in the file
because it can be found when using
the 'LookupClassDef' method.

The attached file contains an example program which
demonstrates this behaviour, using axLib.



  • Phil Tudor

    Phil Tudor - 2002-10-29

    Source code example showing this bug

  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-26

    Logged In: YES

    630436.A.out.txt is the output of the attached program.

    The class list are all those present in the dictionary of the aaf
    file in (Note, this aaf file is created
    by example2/axExample).

    As described, the TapeDescriptor is not present but the uid
    lookup succeeds.

  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-26
  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-27

    Logged In: YES

    Re: 630436.B.out.txt

    The test program was modified to iterate over the class
    definitions a second time after the TapeDescriptor uid lookup.
    I expected to see TapeDescriptor in the dictionary. Indeed it
    exists in the dictionary the second time around, but the
    iterator now fails to iterate over the entire list, and an
    assertion fails at the point indicated in the source code at the
    end of 630436.B.out.txt. Perhaps, indicating another error.

  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-27
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jptrainor
  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-27

    Logged In: YES

    Disregard the previous note about 630436.B.out.txt. In fact, a
    call to ImplAAFDictionary::LookupClassDef
    (AUID_TapeDescriptor) results in the class being present the
    next time one iterates over the set of class definitions in the
    dictionary - as one might expect.

    The key to resolving this, I beleive, lies in making all class
    definitiona axiomatic. Initializing them, as such, in
    AAFObjectModel::InitializeAxiomaticDefinitions(void) is one
    (the only?) way to accomplish that.

  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-27

    Logged In: YES

    I modified AAFObjectModel::InitializeAxiomaticDefinitions()
    so that all class definitions are made axiomatic.

    ImplAAFDictionary::GetClassDefs() now returns the full set of
    class definitions - 84 of them at the moment - rather than just
    those classes present in a file, and the few that formerly were
    made axiomatic in

    This change was introduced at revision 1.13 of

  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-27
    • status: open --> closed
  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-28

    Logged In: YES


    The previous solution was a tad too brute.

  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-28
    • status: closed --> open
  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-28

    Logged In: YES

    More comments:

    1) The documentation in AAF.h states that
    IAAFDictionary::GetClassDefs() returns the class definition of
    all classes. "All" must be clarified. Does it mean:
    1.1) All registered class definitions.
    1.2) All known class definitions.
    "Registered" class definitions are those in the
    ImplAAFMetaDictionary::_classDefinitions set. (Axiomatic
    class definitions end up in this set during initialization.) Take
    a peak at ImplAAFMetaDictionary::

    2) LookupClassDef() checks if the requested class is
    axiomitic, exists in the dictionary, or is builtin. In all cases
    the requested class is registered - i.e., added to
    _classDefinitions if it was not already there.

    3) Because LookupClassDef() registers all classes that it
    exectues a look up on, subsequent calls to GetClassDefs()
    will include class definitions that were registered by
    LookupClassDef(). Hence, GetClassDef() will not always
    return the same set of class definitions.

    In light of point 3, 1.1 strikes me as odd behavior.
    Hence, I'd say that 1.2 is correct.... which means
    GetClassDefs() is currently wrong.

    If GetClassDefs() should return all known class definitions,
    then I think that all class definitions will have to be
    registered. Registering the built in class definitions at
    initialization time would resolve this. (IMO, of course).

    This bug will stay open until the behavior of GetClassDef()
    is verified.

  • Jim Trainor

    Jim Trainor - 2003-03-28

    Logged In: YES

    More comments:

    1) The documentation in AAF.h states that
    IAAFDictionary::GetClassDefs() returns the class definition of
    all classes. "All" must be clarified. Does it mean:
    1.1) All registered class definitions.
    1.2) All known class definitions.
    "Registered" class definitions are those in the
    ImplAAFMetaDictionary::_classDefinitions set. (Axiomatic
    class definitions end up in this set during initialization.) Take
    a peak at ImplAAFMetaDictionary::

    2) LookupClassDef() checks if the requested class is
    axiomitic, exists in the dictionary, or is builtin. In all cases
    the requested class is registered - i.e., added to
    _classDefinitions if it was not already there.

    3) Because LookupClassDef() registers all classes that it
    exectues a look up on, subsequent calls to GetClassDefs()
    will include class definitions that were registered by
    LookupClassDef(). Hence, GetClassDef() will not always
    return the same set of class definitions.

    In light of point 3, 1.1 strikes me as odd behavior.
    Hence, I'd say that 1.2 is correct.... which means
    GetClassDefs() is currently wrong.

    If GetClassDefs() should return all known class definitions,
    then I think that all class definitions will have to be
    registered. Registering the built in class definitions at
    initialization time would resolve this. (IMO, of course).

    This bug will stay open until the behavior of GetClassDef()
    is verified.

  • Phil Tudor

    Phil Tudor - 2003-08-20
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • assigned_to: jptrainor --> nobody