
New year, new news ;^)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yes, I know I'm a bit late, but I was a lot of busy last month. Anyway, we have some news.

First of all: I've fixed the problems with the mail-lists and *the a3dge-news mail list was created!* Yes. Now, all news will be sent trhough the a3dge-news mail list. If you want to know when the A3DGE version 1 is released before the rest of the world, join it at

Another new: we're added two tips to the 'A3DGE development team directives' ( Read them if you want to join the development team.

Actually, we're discussing how to confront the next step of the project. Be on-line (Join the a3dge-news mail list ;^)). We're sure you'll love it!

That's all at moment. See you soon!

Posted by Guillermo Martínez Jiménez 2004-01-11

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