Corrections in the grammar guided SimpleSelecti...
Changes in the fitness functions and grammars.
SimpleSelectionSortGE now correctly evolves a S...
Now the fitness function uses allways the same ...
Some changes on the grammar
Corrections on the fitness function
Solved some problems with the string that repre...
Corrections in the grammar.
Created the grammar for SimpleSelectionSortGE
On the way to evolve a simple Selection Sort al...
Added a simple selection sort algorithm.
Initial Commit.
Some unspecified changes
Sandbox changes
Can use a fixed size Thread Pool (
Sort in reverse order
Made the algorithms more generic by implementin...
Added more sorting algorithms
Correction on the name of one parameters file.
Progresses on the implementation of SortEvaluator
Creating an evaluator...
Corrections on the Sort evaluator.
Added some search algorithms
Creating the evaluators
Now we can (finally!!!) create an heterogeneous...
Trying to create heterogeneous initial population
BytecodeIndividual changes
Initial commit
Initial commit
Changes to BytecodeIndividual to get the differ...
Initial commit