
Keas Project Manager / News: Recent posts

Keas Project Manager Gold!

Version 1 of the Keas Project Manager has been released! The major features are working. Publish to web, write projects and project items to local database, update the application (jar only).

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-09-15

RC 1 Released!

RC 1 for Keas Project Manager has been bundled, and released to the files section! Wh00t! Under docs, there is a partial user's guide. I expect to finish up the documentation and update the necessary zips, tars and jars. Man it feels good to know that the KPM is still moving forward.


ps. Don't forget the forums, mailing lists, and RSS feeds! I would really appreciate any feedback/comments/suggestions!

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-06-09

Updater to be included in next build

The next build of the Keas Project manager is going to be a jar file release. This release will include an online updater, which will be capable of checking for a new version and downloading it to the local machine. A zip package of the classes and other files will also be available. The release is pending implementation of the updater, and completion of help documents. No real ETA at this time. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-05-19

Release of 1.0 RC alpha pending

Hello. Not sure if anyone is really following this, but what the heck. Anyhow, a release candidate is almost finished for public testing/usage. I have to clean up some of the reported issues, and finalize the db monitoring. But thats about it. Of course, a nice jar file package with .bat (win32) and .sh (*nix) files to launch it. So, today is technically the 7th of April, lets say a new release sometime before the 20th. Fingers crossed and all that.... read more

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-04-08

New Update.

Well, it's been a busy couple of weeks since my last update. The long and short is I now have some time to work on the KPM. So, the latest bit is that I have threads in place for the publishing event. Which means the app will still respond during a publish. I am working on a database display which I am going to embed in the main desktop window, probably in the SE corner. It will show some basic db statistics. The next step will be to add in a module for logging stuff. Like publishing, adding/edit/delete items and errors etc.. The logging module may not be 100% complete for the next file release, it should be in place for the final release though.

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-04-01

Update from Indyr5k


Sorry for the delay in updates, or news or anything. I was sidetracked a little bit by Jakarta-Tomcat. I am going to take this weekend to comb over the Project Manager, and will post an update regarding how close I am to a 1.0 release. One thing I know that needs to be done is set all console text to notice windows, and perhaps use some backend logging functions to create a log file (which can be disabled.) ... read more

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-03-11

New File Release!

Beta 1 released today! This is the mostly functional code that will become version 1. Check out the various docs at: And also be sure to grab a copy of the app at:

Also, please be sure to subscribe to either mailing list,

Finally, Please report any and all bugs/feedback in the bugs and forums

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-02-04

Publishing code started.

Today I made decent advances in the publishing code. I have decided to use the commons-httpclient package from the Jakarta project. It made the most sense, it allows users to connect via http or https, using Basic
Authentication, as well as other methods. Though initially just basic auth. :) The httpclient api seems to also narrow down some of the coding, which is a really nice benefit. It does however mean that I now how to add two more items under the required field until I can build a really pretty package.

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-01-24

Home Page Launched!

The home page for the Keas Project Manager has been officially launched! In it's present state (vanilla) it will be usable by pretty much any browser. Srvrstrypr is working on a prettier version of the page, and that will be up shortly. For now, visit the home page at:


Posted by Steven Bell 2004-01-20

Alpha Release

Sunday, 02.00 am EST. Alpha version of the software is released. The alpha build contains functionality to start working on a project. It allows for the creation of the project database, adding/editing projects and items within a project as well. You can configure the application via edit>prefs. And changing the LAF is possible. Check out the other news items, and the docs for more details about the Keas Project Manager.

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-01-19

Feature Lists

Feature list for both Version 1 and 2 are now available in the Docs section, under Usage Documents.

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-01-14

New Developer added.

Srvrstrypr has joined the Keas Project Manager group, and will be handling the project website, assist in moderating the forums, and other necessary tasks that I just can't seem to get to. Hopefully we will have the project web up online in the very near future. I am working on getting an alpha release candidate put together, so some folks can start playing with the PM.


Posted by Steven Bell 2004-01-13

Project Manager design Doc

Hello, the project manager design doc was uploaded yesterday to the site. The design doc is available under the Docs section of the project.

Posted by Steven Bell 2004-01-13