
Chiba / News: Recent posts

Chiba discontinued since 2009

Chiba development is discontinued since 2009. Joern and Lars went on developing a better XForms implementation at the betterFORM project:

Posted by Lars Windauer 2010-12-09

Chiba 3 beta 2 has been released

Beta 2 of the XForms 1.1 engine Chiba 3.0 is out passing 86% of the normative tests. Dozens of improvements have been made as well as added support for dynamic loading of subforms.

Posted by Joern Turner 2009-06-30

Chiba Web 3.0.0b1 released

Chiba Web 3.0.0b1 is out. Completely renewed with new JavaScript layer, improved XForms 1.1 support, localisation, XPath 2.0 and more.

Chiba Project Page:


Posted by Lars Windauer 2008-12-19

Chiba 1.5.0 released

Chiba, the modular XForms processor has released a new Core version featuring migration to Saxon for XPath 2.0 support, many XForms 1.1 functions as well as further new XForms 1.1 features.

Posted by Joern Turner 2008-08-19

Chiba Web 2.2.0 released

This release further improves the server-side XForms implementation Chiba Web regarding XForms conformance, improved stability and configurability. As Chiba Core the Web processor now also uses Maven 2 as buildsystem and introduces automated web-testing.

Posted by Joern Turner 2008-02-05

Chiba Core 1.4.0 released

The Chiba project released version 1.4.0 of its W3C XForms processor which fixes a bunch of detail issues and bugs. Further the build system has been migrated from Ant to Maven 2.

Posted by Joern Turner 2008-01-22

Chiba Web 2.1.0 released

Chiba Web, the server-side XForms processor has released a new version featuring a ServletFilter architecture instead of the older Servlet-centered approach. Besides this a lot of detail improvements have been made. Chiba Web now uses Saxon (and therefore provides XSLT 2.0) instead of Xalan.

Posted by Joern Turner 2007-07-27

Chiba Web 2.0.0 released

The server-side XForms processor Chiba Web 2.0.0 has been released and comes with full Ajax support. A live Demo is available from the homepage.

Posted by Joern Turner 2007-03-29

Chiba Core 1.3.0 released

A new Chiba Core has been released. It fixes a lot of bugs and issues regarding XForms 1.0 Second Edition and Errata and contains a bulk of improvements to the code base.

Posted by Joern Turner 2006-12-04

Chiba Web 2.0.0 RC 1 released

Chiba Web now provides a full AJAX interface in addition to the traditional non-scripted mode. While processing is done on server-side the user-experience is comparable to a full client-side implementation. The AJAX mode supports Firefox/Mozilla, IE6 and Safari 2.

Chiba Web 2 is a complete new generation and this release shouldn't be considered production-ready. RC1 serves the purpose of gathering potential outstanding issues and preparing the final production release.

Posted by Joern Turner 2005-12-22

Chiba Core 1.2.0 released

Contains corrections to fix the vast majority of the XForms errata and moves Chiba to XForms 1.0 Second Edition. Important areas of the source have been refactored for simplification and some performance improvements (100% in some areas). Many new tests have been introduced to ensure the new behaviour and some of the long-standing bugs have been fixed.

Posted by Joern Turner 2005-12-22

Chiba Web 1.0.0 released

This is the first release of the Chiba XForms processor integrated within a servlet. Formerly this has been the main release package but the core has been extracted and is used by several different integrations now. Future releases of this package will be independent from core releases.

Posted by Joern Turner 2005-06-08

Chiba 1.1.1 core released

This release mainly established the new modularization and changed build and distribution strategy. Chiba
now only contains the core XForms implementation along with all generic resources needed/usefull for any
XForms processing environment either client- or serverside. Main changes therefore are related to the build-file.

The ChibaAdapter interface has been refactored to condense some of the experiences with the different integrations.
Though, this process is still not complete.

Posted by Joern Turner 2005-06-08

Chiba 1.1.0 released

This is the first release of the Chiba XForms processor as a separate package. The servlet integration will be available as a separate download from now on. Along with a lot of detail fixes and enhancements the first XForms 1.1 features have been implemented.

Posted by Joern Turner 2005-05-23

Chiba 1.0.0 released

Chiba has released version 1.0 of its XForms processing engine. This is the first production release and considered stable. Chiba is now coming in different flavours either client- or server-side on every java-enabled platform, thus making the start to distributed XForms processing.

Posted by Joern Turner 2005-02-10

Chicoon 0.9.9 released

Chicoon is the integration of the Chiba XForms processor into Apache Cocoon. Chicoon was updated to use latest Chiba code and is the first W3C XForms conformant processor for Cocoon.

Posted by Joern Turner 2004-12-31

Chiba 0.9.9 released

This near-production-quality release of the W3C XForms-conformant processor 'Chiba' fixes some smaller problems in the codebase, provides further cleanups and javadoc as well as adds some new Connector features such as directory-browsing and context submission. Improvements on itemset and select controls have also been done.

Posted by Joern Turner 2004-12-27

Convex Preview released

A preview of Convex, the XForms applet client has been rolled out. It provides the full Chiba functionality inside an offline, browser-based client. While generally browser-independent this first version is tailored for use in IE 6. Chiba provides an implementation of the W3C XForms standard, thereby delivering generic, xml-based form-processing for the web.

Posted by Joern Turner 2004-12-23

Chiba 0.9.8 released

This release further improves Chiba's conformance to the XForms Spec, namely the full support of the Submission module, improved namespace handling in XPathes, basic support for the Range control as well as refinements and extensions to Upload handling. The XMLRPC connector package has been extended and now provides a URIResolver/SubmissionHandler pair and a sample server. As always some tests have been added and dead parts have been removed.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-11-18

Chiba 0.9.7 released

The new version closes some important gaps on the way to full XForms 1.0 conformance. New features include full XML Schema validation, full Submission protocol support, further improvements in the UI Generation and more.

Posted by Joern Turner 2004-08-15

Chiba 0.9.6 released

The Chiba project has released a new version of its W3C XForms 1.0 implementation. Many details improvements in event processing and XSLT now make it suitable for either Client- or Server-side XForms processing. Many new unit-tests have been added to improve quality and stability of the features.

Posted by Joern Turner 2004-06-06

Chiba 0.9.5 released

The Chiba project has released Version 0.9.5 of its W3C XForms implementation. It features various detail refinements as well as upload and EXSLT support.

Posted by Joern Turner 2004-03-09

Chiba 0.9.4 released

The Chiba project has released version 0.9.4 of its Java W3C XForms implementation. It adds some detail functionality and some new Connectors and well as a bunch of unit-tests.

Posted by Joern Turner 2004-01-27

Chiba 0.9.3 released

Chiba, the server side XForms processor has released version 0.9.3. The API and UI generation have been refined and it contains a lot of fixes and detail improvements.

Posted by Joern Turner 2003-11-10

Chiba 0.9.2 released

Chiba 0.9.2 a server side XForms implementation is out. This release features adaptions to XForms PR, support
for XML Base, improved API and many fixes.

Posted by Joern Turner 2003-10-02