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This project is discontinued

Posted by Luca Bertossi 2019-12-20

Linux Patch BOS users community produces a patch to make BOS compatible also on linux systems.

Posted by Luca Bertossi 2008-01-21

Version 1.1 released BOS version 1.1 was released. This intermediate version was uploaded mostly to make BOS compatible with latest release of source code compiler. Most changes are related to makefiles. Three new examples are also provided showing how to drive a digital rotary encoder, an LCD based menu and a serial RS232, VT100 compatible, console.

Posted by Luca Bertossi 2007-04-15

New website page

Preview page is now available on website. This page contains BOS features ideas for future releases.

Posted by Luca Bertossi 2006-11-11

Documentation errata on page 44 about stack usage

At the end of page 44 is explained interrupts are served with main stack pointer. This is not correct, interrupts are served with a private stack of 80 memory cells defined in /KRN/KRN_Interrupts.h :

#define ISR_STACK_SIZE 80

Posted by Luca Bertossi 2006-11-11

Dot matrix display detail/problem

Due to an hardware problem in the display connector in the BOS board, two display lines result exchanged. To bypass this problem display driver exchanges these lines.

If your display do not work correctly, please remove lines from 320 to 324 in DRV_Display.c file.

Posted by Luca Bertossi 2006-10-31 BOS released BOS operating system for TI MSP430 version 1.0 was released.

Posted by Luca Bertossi 2006-10-30