
GoSafe / News: Recent posts

Still Planning

Just a quick update on what's happening with GoSafe... We are in the process of making contacts with developers of other OpenSource projects that we can bring forth to help better our goals. We hope to start making announcments on our new partners in the coming weeks. Stayed tuned!

Posted by g00nz 2004-08-03

Welsome to GoSafe

Welcome to the GoSafe Project. Our goal is to spread awareness of threats in cyber communication and data storage. Only this time we are trying to spread the awareness to the end-user. While coporate America spends millions protecting their assets, a huge lack of information on the threat rarely makes it down to the average joe. So end-users in most case are naive to what's really happening. We hope this is the first step in changing the education/awareness lever of the naive end-user.

Posted by g00nz 2004-06-27