Guy Martin - 2006-10-06

From Jason Pastore:

Could you please give me some insight on what you want from RokR E2 owners... Or at
least what your feelings and the companies feeling on the topic of the Rokr E2... As you know
it... Why can't we have a back up of the software that is already distributed? Am I asking to
much from a company that I have stood behind as a consumer fo so many years?

Please if you could give me any insight at all... Good or bad... Any kind of recognition would
be greatly apreciated.. Much respect and Thank You.


Can you clarify for us a bit why you are looking for software version 33P? We'd like to help out, and we do value customers and the community. This Open Source arena is a learning process for all of us, so your (and the communities) continued patience as we navigate this area are greatly appreciated.


   -Guy Martin