At Agoda, we have more than 1000 automated tests to ensure our application's quality and give our best experience to the user. All of them are written with Espresso from Google. Even though Espresso is working really well with our test, the code readability is quite low. Let's look at some of the examples of how we write the test. As Agoda developers, we want to improve not just our codebase quality, but also our implementation of tests as well. This is why we are introducing Kakao. The library will make you enjoy writing automated tests like you are drinking hot chocolate. Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin. If you have custom Views in your tests and you want to create your own KView, we have KBaseView. Just extend this class and implement as many additional Action/Assertion interfaces as you want. You also need to override the constructors that you need.
- Readability
- Extensible DSL
- Documentation available
- Examples available
- Kakao provides different types depending on the type of view
- Kakao offers an easy way to interact with your RecyclerView and ListView