
Update for FTP_sync

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  • Ivan.Zhang

    Ivan.Zhang - 2009-09-06

    Hi, folks,
    due to the FTP_sync hasn't been update for a long time.
    I find a big issue of it.
    when you download a file that has write protection,  but you made smoe change and upload it. It won't upload successfully off cource. after this occured, if you try to downoad other file, it won't successfully sometimes, especially for those bigger files. Only partial of the file will be downloaded.

    This update has fixed the problem.
    Another new option is added: you can select UTF8 ON/OFF. This is may be useful for Chinese Character file names.

    You can get the snapshot at here:
    the plugin is availble here(Unicode):

    • h0x91B 91b

      h0x91B 91b - 2009-09-06

      15:52:04 > Connecting to <server>
      15:52:04 > Established connection with <server>
      15:52:04 > Multiline Response (220): --------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] ----------
      15:52:04 > Multiline Response (220): You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
      15:52:04 > Multiline Response (220): Local time is now 16:51. Server port: 21.
      15:52:04 > Multiline Response (220): This is a private system - No anonymous login
      15:52:04 > Response (220): You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
      15:52:04 > -> USER h0x91b
      15:52:04 > Response (331): User h0x91b OK. Password required
      15:52:04 > ->PASS *HIDDEN*
      15:52:04 > Multiline Response (230): User h0x91b has group access to:  1024     
      15:52:04 > Multiline Response (230): This server supports FXP transfers
      15:52:04 > Response (230): OK. Current directory is /
      15:52:04 > -> OPTS UTF8 OFF
      15:52:04 > -> PWD
      15:52:04 > Response (500): Unknown command
      15:52:04 > -> QUIT

    • Ivan.Zhang

      Ivan.Zhang - 2009-09-08

      Hi, h0x91b,
      thank you for your feedback.
      I made an update again, I think the bug has been fixed now.

      • h0x91B 91b

        h0x91B 91b - 2009-09-08

        Thanks a lot! all it works fine!

  • digitsix

    digitsix - 2009-09-25

    Dude! I am so glad I told you how to get the source code! I just started having a bug similar to this this morning. Big directories would fail to load (still sort of having this problem) and most of my files would stop after 2kb and would still report success even though they obviously didnt download properly!  That seems to be working more now, and at least it says &quot;download failed&quot; when it fails as I would expect it to…

    Are you planning on doing any more work on this thing? Can you check on the problem where directory lists wont fully download? I get a specific error now when it happens some times that I wasnt getting before, I'll make a note of what the error is when it happens again and post back here.

  • digitsix

    digitsix - 2009-09-25

    OK first of all, I'm only really having this problem on one of my pc's and I'm not sure the cause, but I have tried different networks, different adapters, reinstalling np++, older versions etc, everything I can think of. It was completely unusable on this laptop but your modifications are a step in the right direction. I can at least use it now though I still have to attempt to download a lot of my files over 10 times before i actually get a success. I also have a problem refreshing decent size directories, and particularly this happnes almost immediately upon login to an ftp account. I get two errors that state the following:

    #1 Timeout when waiting for response parser

    #2 Error waiting for filetransfer end

    After that I may have to refresh a directory over 10 times in order to get it to fully expand…

    Again, I'm not sure why this is such a problem on my laptop as I stated above, but since you are a bit familiar with the code now, do you have any ideas what might be causing this to happen?

  • digitsix

    digitsix - 2009-09-25

    02:12:39 &gt; Connecting to
    02:12:39 &gt; Established connection with
    02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): ------ Welcome to Pure-FTPd  -------
    02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): You are user number 6 of 50 allowed.
    02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): Local time is now 02:12. Server port: 21.
    02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): This is a private system - No anonymous login
    02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    02:12:39 &gt; Response (220): You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    02:12:39 &gt; -&gt; USER hxgggydf
    02:12:39 &gt; Response (331): User hxgggydf OK. Password required
    02:12:39 &gt; -&gt;PASS *HIDDEN*
    02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (230): User hxgggydf has group access to:  hxgggydf
    02:12:39 &gt; Response (230): OK. Current restricted directory is /
    02:12:39 &gt; -&gt; OPTS UTF8 OFF
    02:12:39 &gt; Response (500): Unknown command
    02:12:39 &gt; -&gt; PWD
    02:12:39 &gt; Response (257): &quot;/&quot; is your current location
    02:12:39 &gt; -&gt; PWD
    02:12:39 &gt; Response (257): &quot;/&quot; is your current location
    02:12:40 &gt; -&gt; CWD /
    02:12:40 &gt; Response (250): OK. Current directory is /
    02:12:40 &gt; -&gt; TYPE A
    02:12:40 &gt; Response (200): TYPE is now ASCII
    02:12:40 &gt; -&gt; PASV
    02:12:40 &gt; Response (227): Entering Passive Mode (208,43,222,138,179,142)
    02:12:40 &gt; -&gt; LIST
    02:12:40 &gt; Response (150): Accepted data connection
    02:12:40 &gt; Multiline Response (226): Options: -a -l
    02:12:44 &gt; FTP_Service message: Error waiting for filetransfer end

    02:12:45 &gt; FTP_Service message: Timeout when waiting for response parser

    02:12:45 &gt; Response (226): 23 matches total
    02:12:54 &gt; -&gt; TYPE A
    02:12:54 &gt; Response (200): TYPE is now ASCII
    02:13:09 &gt; -&gt; TYPE A
    02:13:09 &gt; Response (200): TYPE is now ASCII

  • digitsix

    digitsix - 2009-09-25

        02:12:39 &gt; Connecting to
        02:12:39 &gt; Established connection with
        02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): ------ Welcome to Pure-FTPd  -------
        02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): You are user number 6 of 50 allowed.
        02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): Local time is now 02:12. Server port: 21.
        02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): This is a private system - No anonymous login
        02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (220): IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
        02:12:39 &gt; Response (220): You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
        02:12:39 &gt; -&gt; USER hxgggydf
        02:12:39 &gt; Response (331): User hxgggydf OK. Password required
        02:12:39 &gt; -&gt;PASS *HIDDEN*
        02:12:39 &gt; Multiline Response (230): User hxgggydf has group access to:  hxgggydf
        02:12:39 &gt; Response (230): OK. Current restricted directory is /
        02:12:39 &gt; -&gt; OPTS UTF8 OFF
        02:12:39 &gt; Response (500): Unknown command
        02:12:39 &gt; -&gt; PWD
        02:12:39 &gt; Response (257): &quot;/&quot; is your current location
        02:12:39 &gt; -&gt; PWD
        02:12:39 &gt; Response (257): &quot;/&quot; is your current location
        02:12:40 &gt; -&gt; CWD /
        02:12:40 &gt; Response (250): OK. Current directory is /
        02:12:40 &gt; -&gt; TYPE A
        02:12:40 &gt; Response (200): TYPE is now ASCII
        02:12:40 &gt; -&gt; PASV
        02:12:40 &gt; Response (227): Entering Passive Mode (208,43,222,138,179,142)
        02:12:40 &gt; -&gt; LIST
        02:12:40 &gt; Response (150): Accepted data connection
        02:12:40 &gt; Multiline Response (226): Options: -a -l
        02:12:44 &gt; FTP_Service message: Error waiting for filetransfer end
        02:12:45 &gt; FTP_Service message: Timeout when waiting for response parser
        02:12:45 &gt; Response (226): 23 matches total
        02:12:54 &gt; -&gt; TYPE A
        02:12:54 &gt; Response (200): TYPE is now ASCII
        02:13:09 &gt; -&gt; TYPE A
        02:13:09 &gt; Response (200): TYPE is now ASCII

  • Ivan.Zhang

    Ivan.Zhang - 2009-09-25

    I think it may be caused by you network issue.
    Your network may has some time delay,
    I made a new build here:
    pls have a try.

    The old timeout is 2s, in the new build, I set it to 5s.

  • digitsix

    digitsix - 2009-09-25

    Tried it and unfortunately have no difference from the other version.

    I'm gonna do a bit more testing and playing and see if I can figure anything else out.

    Thanks for your efforts

  • ephestione

    ephestione - 2009-10-01

    I didn't really know about FTP_s being out of devel… anyway hope has its place, and xjzhang took over, that's why I'm taking advantage of the situation to ask for a feature that surprisingly is missing from the main built: namely, &quot;show hidden files&quot;, and I'm talking about .htaccess which is something you cannot really edit &quot;realtime&quot; when webmastering with N++.
    Do you think it's easy enough to be added?

  • digitsix

    digitsix - 2009-10-09

    ephestione: I'm pretty sure .dot files already show up… at least on the servers I connect to they do… You should check again and confirm that they do not show up. If they don't, connect to your ftp server via a command line interface and then do a dir and see if it lists the dot files… this may be something you have to adjust on your server.

    I got some more info on this issue and I guess its not a progamming bug but a driver issue of some sort… I started my computer in safe mode + networking as suggested by someone on and tried it and it works flawlessly in safe mode so I'm still kind of at a loss as to whats the real problem here but Just wanted to post back with an update on this. I have been using net drive in the interim.

  • digitsix

    digitsix - 2009-10-09

    One more update!

    The problem was being caused by the new version of AVAST FREE HOME AV. I uninstalled it and put on the new MS Security Essentials Suite that just came out and the problem has pretty much gone away!

    Still looking forward to more improvements on this! Keep at it man!

  • ephestione

    ephestione - 2009-10-10

    I am positive .htaccess (the only hidden file on my server atm) is not visible with this plugin, but it is visible from filezilla client after enabling &quot;show hidden files&quot;.
    Listing the contents of the directory from the ftp command in the prompt doesn't show .htaccess with &quot;ls&quot;, but it DOES show .htaccess with &quot;ls -a&quot;, so probably that's what the listing command issued by ftpsync should be changed to…

  • Ivan.Zhang

    Ivan.Zhang - 2009-10-12

    digitsix :
    thanks for your confirmation.

    I'll have a check.

  • Ivan.Zhang

    Ivan.Zhang - 2009-10-12

    please try the new build:

    There is an option &quot;Force showing hidden files&quot;.
    But, you need ensure that your ftp server spports this feature at first.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-10-13

    told ya, works now ;))
    Thank you for the lightspeed improvement, I can now see and edit the .htaccess file directly from the remote server

  • digitsix

    digitsix - 2009-10-30

    ephestione: I'm not using his version on this computer and I can see my .htaccess files fine. Is it a windows server or something? Strange…

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-11-14

    weird, my host does use nix servers… but sure thing I couldn't see htaccess before

  • charles bourasseau

    is there a support for sftp ?

    if not, do you have plan for that ?

    Nice job, this plug in very good, but better with sftp ;)

  • Rade

    Rade - 2010-01-07

    Hello, i can't seem to get this plugin working. I used to use it 2 months ago then formated my drive. After installing a new version of Notepad++ i noticed that this plugin was gone so i downloaded it manually. The problem is i can't seem to be able to connect to the FTP with it. I get the message:
    11:26:05 > Connecting to
    11:26:07 > Established connection with
    11:26:09 > Multiline Response (3874): 2.0-OpenSSH

    When it gets there it stalls. Nothing happens, i can't see my ftp folders, it still says disconnected and upon closing the notepad++ the whole program crashes. Any idea how to fix this?

  • Dave Brotherstone

    It looks like you might be connecting to a FTPS server (only because of the mention of OpenSSH in the response), which FTP_Sync doesn't support… 

  • Rade

    Rade - 2010-01-07

    Hmm strange because as i said, it used to work before i formatted my drive. Maybe its some settings i need to change.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-17

    Seems like you're trying to connect to a port that is served by SSH daemon, not the FTP one.

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