
Fold margin

Andrej h
  • Andrej h

    Andrej h - 2009-08-23

    How can I get to fold in SQL language as I can let say in java between  { } ? You now , with a click on plus or minus in Fold margin.
    Thank you

    • Andrej h

      Andrej h - 2009-08-29

      That won't be necessary , but I was just wondering why SQL
      doesn't have by default folding like java. How could I get this
      to the developer? Would he take the time to answer..

      By the way, your link doesn't work. Let me try :)

      Tank you

    • Andrej h

      Andrej h - 2009-08-23

      I am also interesting in adding a new, that is my own sign lets say to java language . So that it would start to fold at sign ł  and end at   Ł  like it does   with  {  }

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-23

      This one is "very straightforward": in modify LexJava.cxx according yo your needs, by adding your new character to FoldJavaDoc(). Make sure the new characters fit on one byte, otherwise hings will be more complex. Now recompile SciLexer.dll . On success, you get a nonstandard otepad++ that meets your extra requirements.


    • Andrej h

      Andrej h - 2009-08-23

      I did not find FoldJavaDoc or LexJava.cxx for that mater and how to recompile?
      thank you very much

    • Andrej h

      Andrej h - 2009-08-23

      What if I would like to add ( ) to fold in SQL language, should I modify "scintilla\src\LexSQL.cxx" ?

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-24

      > What if I would like to add ( ) to fold in SQL language, should I modify "scintilla\src\LexSQL.cxx" ?

      Yes. And MySQL is handled by LexMySQL.cxx. You can also play with LexMSSQL.cxx. Perhaps changing all lexer files for related dialects is a good idea.

      > I did not find FoldJavaDoc or LexJava.cxx for that mater and how to recompile?
      thank you very much

      Sorry about the inaccuracy, it is LexCPP.cxx, which does multiple duty. And the routine is FoldCppdoc-) therein.

      As for compiling, just follow the instructions at You only need to rgenerate SciLexer.dll.


    • Andrej h

      Andrej h - 2009-08-24

      Thank you very much, but the link is not working!

      Can you please send me an example of LexSQL.cxx  to

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-24

      Damn... here is the link:

      As for the lexer file, it is in the <source dir>\scintilla\src\ subfolder.. Still need a copy?
