

  • Douglas B Kaynor

    Is it possible to edit or rearrange the menu bar?  For example I would like to customize my menus to exclude items that I seldom use and move item that I use often to more accessible positions. Thanks

    • Tara

      Tara - 2009-08-20

      This post is 2 years old... but nobody's responded???

      I, too, would really appreciate the ability to customize menus (and toolbars).  This is editor has an amazing amount of functionality, but not everybody uses everything.  Any possibilities for basing the menus on easily-customizable config files?

      • François-R Boyer

        I also think we should be able to customize menus and load different menu configurations (or default menus) from a config file.  I just added it to IdeaTorrent, waiting moderator approval...  you will be able to vote or add your own idea of solution.

        • Tara

          Tara - 2009-08-20

          Just wanted to link to the IdeaTorrent, in case someone else is interested...

          Thanks for opening this idea, Francois!