
Folder Open/Close Keywords to support prefix

  • vbplayr2000

    vbplayr2000 - 2009-08-19

    I work in the NC programming world and need support of a particular format for the opening and closing of folders.   Every 'method' in our code starts with a "O" followed by a numerical value, i.e.
    O8900.  I cannot use the simplistic prefix mode as the numerical value changes with each 'method'.

    Every folder closes with M99, so that is simple enough to handle.

    Any ideas on how to modify the xml or xsd so that it would support a prefix of "O" followed by a numerical value?


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-19

      Another case where being abke to define keywords by regular expressions would help. Not triial at all, but I see how I could try to implement it. Perhaps some day I get serious about it.

      Basically, the idea is to store all regexp keywords in properties rather than keyword lists, keeping the actual keywor list in property names. Could be fun.