
What happened to Windows Manager?

  • tadabingo

    tadabingo - 2009-07-04

    there used to be a plugin for notepad++ called windows manager. this plugin showed a list of all the documents you had open and allowed you to switch between the documents by clicking on the list. but i no longer see this plugin offered for download. what happened to it?

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-04

      Sourceforge is in a state of flux these days. I have seen like 50 tickets on the support timeline since yesterday about unavailable files. SF says no data is lost. You may check the Site Status for more details.
      Windows Manager is one of the affected projects, I just got an error 500 (server error) on accessing it.


      • tadabingo

        tadabingo - 2009-07-28

        i didn't mean the sourceforge site though. i meant notepad++'s own site:

        windows manager used to be on this list, but it is no longer on this list. what happened to it?

        • cchris

          cchris - 2009-07-29

          It was removed because it was found to cause crashes - please search the Help forum for "Windows manager" this month.

          How/when a plugin makes it back to the distributed list once the issues are corrected by developer is unclear to me. Common sense says there must be some assessment of whether the correction had the intended effect.


          • Jocelyn Legault

            Jocelyn Legault - 2009-07-29

            Anybody thought about debugging it?
            Where does the code live?