
Latest IdeaTorrent news - getting it to work

  • cchris

    cchris - 2009-07-22

    As you know, since July 2nd, votes on IdeaTorrent are not recorded when you click on the up or down arrows. The page refreshes showing the expected vote tally. Switch to another page (for example, the sandbox) and back. Your vote banished.

    This makes the application hardly useful, and the time SF take to fix the issue seems alarmingly long.

    However, I just found a workaround, and am sharing it right here:

    When you hover over one of the voting arrows, an address is being displayed in the status bar of your browser. Copy that address and enter it into your browser's address bar. Press Enter. Your vote will count this time.

    The address takes the following form:<idea_id>/<vote>/

    <idea_id> is an internal idea id. The easiest way to get that id is to look at the status bar.
    <vote> is 1 for ayes, 0 for abstains and -1 for nays.

    To copy text from the status bar, an utility like CopyText may be useful.

    You may be thinking: why not just right click the arrow and copy the adress of the link? You can. You'll get something. The address of the image that makes the arrow. Nice, eh?

    There is now a severe distortion between old ideas, that got a regular share of votes, and newer ideas, that seem to be getting no votes at all. I will report this workaround to SF support. Let's use it extensively so that IdeaTorrent becomes a reliable way to prioritise developent and for the community at large to provide many enhancements, and to show where Notepad++ has to go.


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-22

      SF discussion forums don't have sticky threads. What I can do for now is to bump this thread a couple times a day so as to keep it on top. Unless there are objections or better ways.


    • Dave Brotherstone

      Copy Link Address and paste into address bar works in Chrome, so no need to copy from the status bar.  Haven't tried it in other browsers.

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-22

      As I mentioned, on Firefo 3 it gives me the address of the .png for the voting arrow.
      I haven't tried with IE6, since SF pages routinely break when thus viewed.


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-23

      Tip: if you use a tabbed browser, type https://sourceforge.apps/ideatorrent/notepad-plus/ideatorrent/ as the address for a new tab. Then, for each vote, edit the address by appending vote/<solution_id>/<vote_being_cast>/ The solution id reads on the status bar. Vote being cast is 1 / 0 / -1 in an obvious way.

      Hoopefully SF does something about it.


    • Shahab

      Shahab - 2009-08-02

      Bumping ..  Will be helpful for other nerds like me who dunno there is some system like this in place for proposing ideas ... Considering there is no link anywhere (which I could find) ..

      Up you go .. ^^^^^^^^

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-02

      The oficial website is being restructured these days, and I wish a new page with a diagram showing all the hosted apps we use are in synergy added. However, they are not all deployed yet (specially phpBB), so it may be too early yet to add this.


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-04


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-04


      • cchris

        cchris - 2009-08-16

        The following was posted a few days ago as part of ticket thread #3835 in Sf's support timeline:

            *   keywords  SOG added; ideatorrent removed
            * owner set to cmaloney
            * status changed from new to assigned


        Thank you for taking the time to report this, this is a known issue. There is however, a workaround. If you have the idea open by itself (ie. not with other ideas on the same page, like the summary view, the link above would work), then if have the voting link open in a new tab or window, then the vote will change.

        I am escalating this ticket for further review.

        Chris Tsai, Support

        This workaround doesn't work for me (using Firefox 3 on WinXP). However, I know that Google Chrome seems to work better with IdeaTorrent, so perhaps the workaround applies then.


  • cchris

    cchris - 2009-09-14

    Latest news, gleaned from SourceForge's IdeaTorrent today.

    The vote you cast in the normal way are still for nought. However, the following workaround has been found to work on most browsers (no news about IE8, and I didn't test it, because I uninstalled it):

    1. Load the idea to which the solution to vote for in a new window. Shift+click usually does it.
    2. Right click on the arrow of the vote you wish to cast, and Opebn it in a new tab.
    3. Your vote appears to be in. However, looking at the original page, it still does not show up.
    4. Force a reload of the page; Ctrl+F5 works on every browser I think.
    5. Vote is now reflected, you can close the auxiliary window you opened at step 1.

    SF has no ETA yet on fixing this.
