
Notepad++ crashing 5-6 times/day vs v5.4.5

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2009-07-16

    For those who have the crash issue frequently, could you download, install and test the newest version v5.4.5 ?

    Any crash with v5.4.5 (and only) please report here.
    (with and without default plugins)

    Thank you in advance

    • kid

      kid - 2009-07-29


      Notepad++ is also crashing on my PC with the actual version, and also the last versions. I have an 32 bit PC with XP Pro.
      I use the standard installation, only with an additional programming language ABAP.

      I get also a dump file - does it helps you?


    • Josie

      Josie - 2009-07-16

      I'm using v5.4.5 now and I still have the issue - it crashes as soon as I try to do anything now (but it was doing this before I upgraded).  I'm  really thinking it has something to do with file size - is 16,000 lines too big?

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-16

      Are your lines very long? I can open and work on a disassembly listing ~80,000 line long without a crash, and I have like 40 plugins installed - not all active, granted. These files have plenty of very short lines.


      • Mike Boulet

        Mike Boulet - 2009-07-16

        Just reporting in on 5.4.5. No crashes yet (fingers crossed). I have tried a HUGE file (100+ lines) and didn't have any issues.

        • Mike Boulet

          Mike Boulet - 2009-07-17

          Entire day without any crashes using 5.4.5.

          • Don HO

            Don HO - 2009-07-18

            > Entire day without any crashes using 5.4.5.

            That's a good news Mike Boulet.
            However, if you could provide more information it'll be even great to help identifying the problem  :
            1. What's your OS?
            2. The list of your plugins in v5.4.4 (crash) and The list of your plugins in v5.4.5 (No crash)
            3. What package do you use (installer or zip package)?
            4. Your Notepad++ mode (ANSI or Unicode).

            Thank you in advance.

            • Mike Boulet

              Mike Boulet - 2009-07-19

              1. Windows 7 64 bit, 4gb memory
              2. Plugins - ( What came with the installer )
                   - Function List
                   - Same as list below

                 - Compare
                 - Document Monitor
                 - FTP_synchronize
                 - MIME Tools
                 - NppExec
                 - NppExport
                 - NppNetNote
                 - Change Markers
                 - Spell-Checker

              3. Installer
              4. Unicode

              • Don HO

                Don HO - 2009-07-19

                Thank you for your detailed information, Mike Boulet.
                Is there always no crash?


                • Mike Boulet

                  Mike Boulet - 2009-07-19

                  I have not had a single crash since I loaded 5.4.5.

                  I will report in again tomorrow after  a days worth of use.

                  • Mike Boulet

                    Mike Boulet - 2009-07-22

                    I had only one lockup in two days. It wasn't related to doing a save.

                    I did a "find in files" across the network. Minimized NP+++, Checked email, etc, clicked on NP++ in the taskbar and nothing happened. Look in task manager, it is running 50%.

                    First time this has happened to me this way.


                    • Don HO

                      Don HO - 2009-07-23

                      I'm pretty sure it's due to the bad connection or leak of resource of PC where your remote file is located.

                      I'll see if I can do something for it


      • Josie

        Josie - 2009-07-16

        CChris - I don't think so; an average line is about 800 characters; the whole file has ~2,500,000 characters.  I've just noticed that on substantially smaller files it doesn't crash as often, and it seems to crash increasingly often as I build.

    • adaykin

      adaykin - 2009-07-16

      I am getting the crashes, but I don't think it is due to file size, I got it 3 times within 2 hours, editing a file that is only 400 lines long. I haven't been paying close enough attention to know if this the case 100% of the time or not, but it seems to happen after I save a file.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-07-16

        > I am getting the crashes, ... but it seems to happen after I save a file. 

        adaykin, could you remove *ALL* the pluins, then try again?


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-17

      And, after that,  send NppDump.dmp to donho, if any is generated?


    • David

      David - 2009-07-17

      I have downloaded version 5.4.5 twice and both downloads have an installer error on my windows XP SP3 computer (with and without plugins included in the install).  PS I removed NOTEPAD with the control panel prior to subsequent attempts and the error was the same.

      Error Opening files for writing
      C:/Program Files/Notepad++/SciLexer.dll

    • David

      David - 2009-07-17

      Please disregard the prior error I somehow had notepad++ open during both the installs and the removal process that apparently had the file locked.

    • adaykin

      adaykin - 2009-07-20

      After removing all plugins and using notepad++ for several days now, I have not had a crash.

      I am on vista 64 bit os using 5.4.5. I was having crashes previously using 5.4.5, but after I renamed the plugins directory I have not had any crashes.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-07-22

        >> After removing all plugins and using notepad++ for several days now, I have not had a crash. 
        >> I am on vista 64 bit os using 5.4.5. I was having crashes previously using 5.4.5,
        >> but after I renamed the plugins directory I have not had any crashes.

        > So now try reinstating plugins one by one until the crashes start again.
        > While you are at it, make sure you have the latest version for all plugins,
        > it will help - and perhaps do away with the crashes.
        > Then please report here, and possibly in Plugin Development too.

        Yes, adaykin, pleas help us to identify the plugin makes Notepad++ crash by adding back plugins one by one.
        It helps not only us, but it will help you - so you won't have the same crash issue in next release.


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-20

      So now try reinstating plugins one by one until the crashes start again.  While you are at it, make sure you have the latest version for all plugins, it will help - and perhaps do away with the crashes.
      Then please report here, and possibly in Plugin Development too.


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2009-07-28

      It seems v5.4.5 is stable enough to trigger auto-updater.
      If there's no more report in this thread this week, Auto-updater will be triggered by this version this weekend.


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2009-07-29

      Josie just gave me her Notepad++ crash configuration :
      AMD Turion 64 + Windows Vista

      I wonder if Notepad++ crashes only on 64 bits machine.
      For those ones have problems, please post your configuration here.
