

  • Pixel Laser

    Pixel Laser - 2009-06-01

    This doesn't seem to work.  Tried the Crystal++ icons set and nothing changes.
    There isn't a "View | Tool Bar | Enlarge Me" menu item.

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-06-01

      This page you refer to is outdated, try , specifically the section about icons.


    • Pixel Laser

      Pixel Laser - 2009-06-01

      Hi Chris,

      I tried that too with the Crystal++ icons set.  Doesn't work either.

    • Pixel Laser

      Pixel Laser - 2009-06-01

      An update.

      I figured out what I did wrong.  The wiki needs to be corrected.

      Working Procedure

      1.  Create a new directory under "%APPDATA%\Notepad++" and name it "icons".  (i.e. %APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons)
      2.  Copy the directory containing the themed icons to "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons".  (e.g.  %APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons\Crystal++)
      3.  Copy "toolbarIcons.xml" to "%APPDATA%\Notepad++".
      4.  Edit "toolbarIcons.xml" and change the "pathPrefix".  (e.g.  %APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons\Crystal++)
      5.  Save "toolbarIcons.xml".
      6.  Open Notepad++ and goto "Settings | Preferences... | Global".
      7.  Set the icon size under "Tool Bar" section to small or big, depending on the size of your icons.
      8.  Apply the setting.
      9.  Exit Notepad++.
      10.  Reopen Notepad++ and your new icons should show.

      NOTE:  The configuration file "toolbarIcons.xml" MUST be under %APPDATA%\Notepad++ directory or this will not work!!

      Hope this help other users.

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-06-02

      Ok, I'll review the wiki text and see what is wrong. Since I am not using %APPDATA%, there may be a slight hue I didn't get - icon themes worked right out of the box for me.

      Thanks for the input.


    • Ray

      Ray - 2009-06-09

      I wasn't able to get this to work at first, either. Then after reading the Wiki I saw the note about the "doLocalConf.xml" file. After I created it in the Notepad++ directory, the Crystal theme now works. On a related note, some of your screenshots show a white background behind the icons instead of the gray. Can you tell me how to change this? Running XP SP2.


      • Opus

        Opus - 2009-07-07

        Still not working for me....I have the empty doLocalConf.xml file in C:\Program Files\Notepad++ and the toolbarIcons.xml in the %APPDATA%\Notepad++ folder.  Any other suggestions?  My icon files are located in %APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-06-09

      Whil I am not sure of what you are comparing, my first guess is that it depends on whether you use the Classic vs XP Windows theme.


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-08

      Yes. Review all the procedure.

      1/ If you have a doLoaclConf.xml file, Notepad++.exe will not look in %APPDATA%. This is the purpose of the file. So either remove doLocalConf.xml or move the theme file to Notepad++.exe's folder.
      2/ Now that you know where the config is, you should check that the base path it refers to is the one your icon files are in. This base path could be anything, it does need to point to something related to Notepad++, though that wouldn't make much sense.


      • Opus

        Opus - 2009-07-08

        Still no luck...I uninstalled and re-installed ver. 5.4.3 with the don't use %APPDATA% option and have the toolbarsIcon.xml file in C:\Program Files\Notepad++ and the icons are in C:\Program Files\Notepad++\icons\Crystal++  Can you post the contents of your toolbarsIcon.xml file?  Also, what are the file dates for your Crystal++ icons?  My range from Aug. 24 to Aug. 29, 2005 and have a size of 4 KB each (total of 59 files).  Finally, what version of Notepad++ are you running?  Thanks again.

    • furrelkt

      furrelkt - 2009-07-08

      I still have no luck with this either. i have ver 5.4.4
      did these:
      1. Create a new directory under "%APPDATA%\Notepad++" and name it "icons". (i.e. %APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons)
      2. Copy the directory containing the themed icons to "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons". (e.g. %APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons\Crystal++)
      3. Copy "toolbarIcons.xml" to "%APPDATA%\Notepad++".
      4. Edit "toolbarIcons.xml" and change the "pathPrefix". (e.g. %APPDATA%\Notepad++\icons\Crystal++)
      5. Save "toolbarIcons.xml".
      6. Open Notepad++ and goto "Settings | Preferences... | Global".
      7. Set the icon size under "Tool Bar" section to small or big, depending on the size of your icons.
      8. Apply the setting.
      9. Exit Notepad++.
      10. Reopen Notepad++ and your new icons should show.
      dont have a doLoaclConf.xml  file anywhere...


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-09

      did you check that individual icon names in toolbaricons.xml match those in your ...\crystal++ folder? I have tested this long ago, I think I remember I had to correct a couple. Noyt a reliable hint, but I'd check that though.
