
Compare 1.5.4 released

  • Jean-sébastien Leroy

    Hi all,

    A new version of the Compare plugin has been released.

    This version include navigation feature (go to first difference, last, next or previous) and a graphical view of difference like what can be seen in most comparison software.

    Starting from 1.5.4, I will also released two versions of Compare, an ANSI and an UNICODE.

    Feel free to test it and report bugs/ask for feature/...

    Best regards

    • Kej Zemunski

      Kej Zemunski - 2009-07-10

      I would love to have a feature like this. I need this almost daily:

      1. Hit somekey1: Compare places in the Clipboard UNIQUE lines from file 1
      2. Hit somekey2: Compare places in the Clipboard UNIQUE lines from file 2
      3. Hit somekey3: Compare places in the Clipboard COMMON lines in both files

      (Optionally, create a new tab each time and leave Clipboard alone... whatever)

      Thanks for considering it.

    • Jean-sébastien Leroy

    • Gururaja Hebbar

      Gururaja Hebbar - 2009-07-06


      Thanks for the wonderfull plugin. i use it for my everyday work

      but with recent n++ & compare plugin update i found few bugs. I even tried deleting the compare config ini inside  C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\Config\Compare.ini

      1. Navigation bar selection is always on  even if u deselect in plugins-->compare-->navigation bar. Closing & re-opening n++ keeps navigation bar option selected.

      2. alt+d or ctrl page up/down shortcut keys doesnt work

      here is my config

      1. n++ 5.4.4 (unicode)
      2. compare plugin - 1.5.4 (unicode)
      3. windows xp sp3

      other plugins (all unicode)
      - function list 2.0 beta
      - hex editor 0.9.3
      - change markers 1.2.1
      - universal indent gui
      - window manager 1.2.2

      hope this will help make an update at the earliest.

      contents of --> C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\Config\Compare.ini

      [Compare Settings]
      Align Matches=1
      Include Spaces=1
      Detect Move Blocks=1


      • Jean-sébastien Leroy


        1. In fact, menu item for the side bar doesn't do anything. I will see how I can let user choose to use the side bar or not.

        2. It seem that all plugins shortcut are not working anymore. I will check this with N++ dev team.

        Best regards

    • Simon Berger

      Simon Berger - 2009-07-06

      Thank you! Thank you very much! :) It's so much more useful now.
      I guess you know that it would be nice if you could press on the navigation bar and it would jump to the line but maybe this isn't possible.
      One addition left would be the possibility of a small window that shows
      Match Line 0 to Line 300
      Insert Line 301 to 303
      Delete Line 304 to 400

      Like it's in Hex Workshop for example :)

      • Jean-sébastien Leroy


        That's true, for the moment you can navigate using the side bar. I will try to add this feature in the next releases of Compare.

        I've released a new Compare with the side bar knowing that some feature are missing but I would like to have feedback and feature request and let user try that new feature.

        I've also released the 1.5.4 version so that user with ANSI can use Compare.

        I will have a look at Hex Workshop to see if I can do something equivalent.

        Best regards,

        • Simon Berger

          Simon Berger - 2009-07-06

          Absolutely. This was an incredible update to compare. The side bar improves view of changes much. Selection on click would only be more comfortable.
          With a diff list this would be again better :).

        • Simon Berger

          Simon Berger - 2009-07-06

          Absolutely. This was an incredible update to compare. The side bar improves view of changes much. Selection on click would only be more comfortable.
          With a diff list this would be again better :).

          • Jean-sébastien Leroy


            Thank you all for your encouragement.

            The side bar is far from being perfect. I'm working on it btw.

            About the list change, I had a look at Hex Workshop, so I will see how to implement something similar.

            Best regards,

    • Oren Farhi

      Oren Farhi - 2009-07-06

      Thanks for such a great plugin.

      one nice feature i'm missing:
      If you look at WinMerge, whenever a change is detected - one line (lets say line 45) that exists in file a and not in file b, will be an empty virtual line in file b.
      this plugin - just marks the text in file b and does not detect it as a new addition in file b.

      • Jean-sébastien Leroy


        Try to enable "align matches" in Plugins->Compare-> Align matches.

        This should add an empty line in file b.


    • Gururaja Hebbar

      Gururaja Hebbar - 2009-07-07

      Hi jen,

      >>>>1. Navigation bar selection is always on even if u deselect in plugins-->compare-->navigation bar. Closing & re-opening n++ keeps navigation bar option selected.

      >>1. In fact, menu item for the side bar doesn't do anything. I will see how I can let user choose to use the side bar or not.

      I meant from menu bar ->plugins-->compare-->navigation bar option is always selected even if u deselect it. Once u deselect & restart the n++, it gets selected by itself.

      Anyway, thanks for the wonderful update. Hope to see more from u.


    • Amadawn

      Amadawn - 2009-07-07

      Do you guys think that now that there is a Unicode version of this plugin, it could be added to the default list of official plugins again?


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-07

      It had (long ago I think) be found to interfere with non latin character typing. I think extensive testing on a variety of OS / locale pairs is required in order to include it back.
      Well, I am not sure what the policy for inclusion is. There might be none.
