
How to also select word + trailing spaces?

  • Mark Renier

    Mark Renier - 2009-07-03

    Hi, I'm a new user. I want my "text selection" ability to function the same as in NotePad. In NotePad, I use CTRL+SHIFT+RARROW to select text, and it selects the spaces following the next word I select, up to the beginning of the next word. In NotePad++, the same keystroke sequence does not select the trailing spaces, only the word. How do I do this? Thanks for any help you can give.

    I simultaneously suggest that this functionality be made the default operation. I have browsed the documentation and the forums, but to be honest it is way too much effort to solve such a simple request. There is a huge shortcut list and overextensive documentation. I understand there is special usage for NOT wanting to select following spaces, but that action is special usage and thus should not be the default operation. Other "programming class" editors also default to my desired behavior (i.e., notepad, UltraEdit) but I would like to stay with NotePad++ because I like it's single file load/ no dependencies philosophy.

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-07-03

      You can have either or even both behaviours at your finger tips.

      There are two slightly different Scintilla commands on the shortcut mapper, SCI_WORDRIGHTEXTEND and SCI_WORDRIGHTENDEXTEND. The latter is bound to Ctrl+Shift+Right. You'll also select the trailing spaces by binding to the former instead. And you can choose different key combinations to have them both available.

      It would make sense, when you make such a change, to change related bindings accordingly. For instance, you'd want to also change what Ctrl+Right binds to.

      Personally, I am so happy Notepad++ doesn't use that useless default of also selecting trailing spaces. When a word is in a sentence and needs moved at the end of the sentence, you don't want those pesky spaces. I'm faced with this behaviour as I'm writing these lines. I really think the default binding should stay what it is, as it is quite easy to change.


    • Mark Renier

      Mark Renier - 2009-07-03

      Thanks so much for your help, CChris!  Yes I hate those trailing spaces also after cut and paste, but I found that I do much more selecting than pasting, so the selecting part was really bugging me. I definitely like the ability to customize the editor to my needs and will stay with NP++ because of that. Thanks again.