
Announcement: N E W N P + + W I K I

  • Greg

    Greg - 2009-06-19

    Hi NP++ers

    We are pleased to announce that the new wiki for Notepad++ will be launched on Friday, 19 June 2009, on the following URL :

    It has been a long time in gestation, and that is because it has been a much bigger baby than we had expected.

    The new wiki is based on MediaWiki technology and has been seeded with content from the old wiki and articles from other NP++ sources. The work has been done by volunteers CChris and Gr3gW. CChris has been hard at work scouring the forums for new material as well writing new articles to fill needed gaps Gr3gW restructured the resources and worked on useability.

    Wikis are community-built information sources and we invite you, no we implore you, to take up the challenge of keeping the articles up to date. As Notepad++ dev team continues to put out new versions at a rapid rate, the job of the community is to try and keep up with dev team by maintaining the knowledge that supports these new versions.

    All the old information has been updated but without community support it is likely to get quickly out of date again. All community members will have permissions to update content. Log in with your normal SourceForge username and password and within a short time you will get the editing permissions assigned to your account. Now there’s no excuse for having inaccurate information!

    The Notepad++ wiki is called NpWiki++ (pronounced n-p-wiki-plus-plus). Besides the heavy focus on accumulating content, we have put considerable effort into designing structures that enable you to browse the collection of articles. You will be able to browse for content based on title, topic and usage. More browsers are in the pipeline.

    The inbuilt MediaWiki search facility is not functioning correctly just yet, but will be given a little more time. There are some things that, as administrators, we have been unable to do. This is because the SourceForge implementation is a shared wiki site with sub-wikis available to the open source projects such as Notepad++. All sub-wikis share a common settings file. We are working with SF to try and get more flexibility in the settings that are common to all SF sub-wikis.

    CChris and Gr3gW
    NpWiki++ Admins

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-06-19

      I'm in the process of opening editor rights to all known users (60 something).

      Letters A to G processed so far, other please wait for my coffee break. The process is manual. Should be done within the next hour.


      • Dave Brotherstone

        Wow! There looks like there's been a serious amount of work gone on in there.  Nice job - looks great, lets hope we manage to keep the information up to date.

        Great stuff,


        • Fool4UAnyway

          Fool4UAnyway - 2009-06-19

          Did you really think about the name for the new Wiki?

          What does the announcement in the title say?
          "New NP++ Wiki"

          What would one expect then?
          New NP++ Wiki

          So what is promoted as the new Notepad++ Wiki?
          "New NPWiki++"

          "New NPWiki++"

          Oh, there must have been someone thinking they are so original...

          Next to that, I totally do NOT see it as my job to keep this Wiki up to date. I've never used it, never referred to it and I certainly do not feel keeping it up to date because _you_ want other to do it for you (or instead of you).

          • Don HO

            Don HO - 2009-06-22

            > Oh, there must have been someone thinking they are so original...

            Yes, they are.
            Personally, I think the name is well chosen - it evokes wiki and "++" and if you have read the NpWiki++, you will see it's more than ++.

            > Next to that, I totally do NOT see it as my job to keep this Wiki up to date.
            > I've never used it, never referred to it and I certainly do not feel keeping it up to date
            > because _you_ want other to do it for you (or instead of you).

            That's your call.

            But one thing is obvious that Greg and Chris create NpWiki++ is not for them but for Notepad++ community. Their call is to benefit the community, and if the content of NpWiki++ is up to date, it's the gain of the whole community.

            I encourage anyone who cares of Notepad++ community to make NpWiki++ content up to date in the future. It certainly is the most updated and complete Notepad++ information site out there. The current wiki page is replaced by it, and the online help in Notepad++ official site will be replaced by it as well.


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-06-19

      User rights upgrade process complete.

      Hope this knowledge base will prove useful, and that we the community of users will be able to keep it that way.


    • Thell Fowler

      Thell Fowler - 2009-06-21

      Chris & Greg,

      Thanks for all the work put into the Wiki, it is great to see how people can contribute to a project simply to help others explore and learn about a product enjoyed by so many others.  Kudos!

      Lots of good information in there.  Hopefully other community members find it useful and want to contribute little tidbits that they have learned.