
Notepad++ v5.4.3 just came out

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2009-06-07

    Notepad++ v5.4.3 is released to fix document tab click launching a new instance bug and clickable link styling bug in the previous versions.

    Notepad++ v5.4.3 fixed bugs (from v5.4.2) :

    1.  Fix clickable link styling bug.
    2.  Fix document tab click launching a new instance bug.

    Included plugins (Unicode):

    1.  TextFX v0.26
    2.  NppExec v0.3 RC1
    3.  Spell Checker v1.3.2
    4.  MIME Tools v1.5
    5.  FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
    6.  NppExport v0.2.8
    7.  Doc Monitor v2.2
    8.  NppNetNote v0.1
    9.  ChangeMarkers 1.2.1
    Included plugins (ANSI):

    1.   TextFX v0.25
    2.   NppExec v0.3 RC1
    3.   Spell Checker v1.3.1
    4.   MIME Tools v1.5
    5.   FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
    6.   NppExport v0.2.8
    7.   Light Explorer v1.5
    8.   Doc Monitor v2.2
    9.   NppNetNote v0.1
    10.  ChangeMarkers 1.2.1



    • Frank Fesevur

      Frank Fesevur - 2009-06-08

      Thanks for the fix of the link styling!!!

      Maybe you can close bug #2333610

    • DV

      DV - 2009-06-09
      • xm

        xm - 2009-06-09

        I can confirm that, I got the "Unknown software exception" (0xc000000d), very strange.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-06-10

        Oups, I didn't see that!
        Well, it'll be fixed in the next version.


    • Sing

      Sing - 2009-06-11

      I just got a error and the notepad++ crashed.....
      After saying the notepad++ is crashed, it pops many time of the following message:
      Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
      Runtime Error!

      Program: D:\Files\Notepad++\npp5.4.3.bin\unicode\notepad++.exe


      - pure virtual function call


      I got the .dmp file, if you want it to debug, I can send to you.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-06-07

      And when will be fixed the old problems that I listed?

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-06-07

        > And when will be fixed the old problems that I listed?

        On each release the source code is included as well :

        Modify the source code to make it meet your need.  If a patch is submitted, I'll consider to include your fix.

        An alternative way for you is consider to use another text editor which suites you best.


    • Sharl.Jimh.Tsin

      Sharl.Jimh.Tsin - 2009-06-07

      maybe it is not the final release of version 5.4

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-06-07

        > maybe it is not the final release of version 5.4 

        It's final release for v5.4.x normally.


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-06-07

      Do not be nasty, I just asked, not demanded.

      Well, you have a thought to what can often be a problem?

    • Doug Joseph

      Doug Joseph - 2009-06-08

      Wow Don!

      You rock!


    • Mark Baines

      Mark Baines - 2009-06-08

      Two VERY useful bug fixes! Thanks for that Don.

      Mark B

    • Fabio

      Fabio - 2009-06-09

      Hi Don,
      yesterday it crashed on Vista SP1 32 bit, using N++ 5.4.3 Unicode with default plugins, plus Functions List 1.2, 2.0 beta, Multiclipboard, and Math Evaluator. I had many tabs open, and memory occupation was around 200 MB, if that helps.
      I'd like to attach the dump file, but here I can't and the bug tracker only accepts files up to 256KB, and this one is 375 KB (uncompressed), 30 KB in zip format. Shall I open a new bug in the bug tracker and attach the zip file, or do you prefer another way, such as email?

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-06-10

        Can you reproduce the crash steadily? If you do, then post the instruction to reproduce it.
        Otherwise, just remove Functions List, Multiclipboard, and Math Evaluator plugins to see if your v5.4.3 still crash.


    • Sing

      Sing - 2009-06-10

      Why can't the "using 1st style" (and etc.) cannot get a shortcut in in Shortcut Mapper?

    • eurytos

      eurytos - 2009-06-10

      Thank you for the new version.