
Go to next/previous found result

  • cchris

    cchris - 2009-06-04

    These new commands do not show in the Search menu in 5.4.2unicode. Nor does Switch to Search results window.
    Deleting nativelang.xml doesn't address the issue. However, it causes Shortcut mapper to display them properly. Localising blanks out the SM entries.

    Am I the only one?


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-06-05

      1/ About mmy last sentence:
      1/ I am using a localisation file (french). The entries with shortcuts F4 and Shift-F4 show the shortcut, but no name on the left column. When "Modify"ing the entry, the disabled "Name" field is empty.

      2/ Now deleting nativelang.xml and restarting N++. Now the command names are shown both on the SM left column and when modifying the entries.

      3/ Choosing any localisation goes back to case 1/.

      Keeping the Search menu tidy is an excellent policy. Leaving out very useful commands from it seems less helpful. Putting all bookmark commands in a Bookmarks submenu (or even menubar menu, why not?) would leave ample room for adding Goto next/prev result entry, as well as Swith to result window (F7), which has the same behaviour as I described.

      To make the Search menu even more compact, group all the "Previous" commands into a submenu, and all "Next" commands into the next submenu.

      I'd agree with ditching the Switch to other view command. But idn't this useful for macros?


    • Y N

      Y N - 2009-06-04

      I didn't understand you last sentence, but as far as I know this is intentional. Don didn't want to add too many commands to the menu in order to keep it tidy . However, I believe there are less useful commands on the menus like "Focus on other view" for example.