
Function List 2.0 BETA released

  • Jens Lorenz

    Jens Lorenz - 2009-05-23

    Hello users,

    the new Function List 2.0 BETA is available. I worked so hard on it to make it more stable and confortable. Here the major changes:

    Restructure of FunctionList with new development parts:
         - UNICODE version for latest Notepad++
         - Now tree in addition to lists supported
         - Icon for each group and subgroup could be defined
         - To ignore language specific keywords a list could be defined for each group
         - Filter of items possible
         - Better tooltip support of e.g. C/C++ function params
         - ... and a lot more
         - Scintilla RegEx

    Here the link:

    Also I updated:


    All plugins were tested under XP-32 bit and Vista-32 bit.

    Have a lot of fun

    • Jan Schreiber

      Jan Schreiber - 2009-05-23

      Many, many thanks! I'll try it asap. The Function List is one of the most useful plugins in my opinion.

    • Jan Schreiber

      Jan Schreiber - 2009-05-24

      It works great with N++ 5.4 RC2 so far. Adding rules for a user-defined language seems a lot easier than it used to be in Function List 2.0 Alpha. I guess I can finally switch to the Unicode branch of N++. Thanks, Jens!

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-05-25

      Given this upgrade to one of the most widely asked about pugin, isn't it time to start talking about phasing out ANSI Notepad++? After typed non latin characters is made to work, of course.


    • Fabio

      Fabio - 2009-05-25

      First of all, thanks for your work, Functions List plugin is by far the most useful to me.

      But unfortunately I have a problem. It doesn't work for me. It keeps saying "Function List - No Rule Defined", even though I'm using a normal C++ file, which worked perfectly with Function List v 1.2 ANSI and almost perfectly with 1.2 Unicode, built by Harry and by Ruslan.
      I'm using 5.3.1 Unicode (I've read that the Compare plugin doesn't work with 5.4 RC, so I haven't upgraded yet) on Vista 32 bit, fully patched.
      I have put the 3 files (FunctionList.dll, FunctionListRules.xml, C++.flb) in the plugins folder. From the menu Plugins -> Function List -> Help it says it's version 2.0 beta, so I think it works from that point of view. But it doesn't generate any function list! :-(

      I've even tried other languages. Nothing seems to work.

      Also, if I try to insert the name of a function in the search box, it won't accept capital letters. But C++ is case sensitive, thus it is important to distinguish between capital and non-capital letters. Is it just because it doesn't recognize the language? Or is it intended?

      Anyway, thanks again for your work, and if you need more info about this problem, just let me know.


      • joergenr

        joergenr - 2009-05-25

        Hi Fabio

        I found this in the release notes at SF Net:

        "Copy the *.dll into the "Plugins" folder on Notepad++ install folder.
        Both other files copy into the "Plugins/Config" folder. This could be in the
        install folder of Notepad++ or in the %APPDATA% folder. This depends on your


        • Fabio

          Fabio - 2009-05-25

          Hi Joergen,

          thanks, I had completely missed the release notes, and the readme.txt file isn't included in the .zip archive. Now I've followed the instructions.

          But the problem is still there! :-( It won't recognize the language and thus it finds no function.

          Anyway, I've tried with a clean installation of 5.4 RC2 and it works, so I'll try to use that. After all, I use the compare plugin only rarely, so I can keep using 5.4 and, when I need to compare 2 files, momentarily launch older 5.3.1.

          Some things I've noticed:
          -generating the list of functions is a lot slower than 1.2; maybe it's because I'm working on a very large file (more than 13000 lines and 650 KB, more or less a hundred functions).
          -I expect that everybody comments on how bad it is to work with such big files ;-) but I actually find it a lot more practical than splitting my work in dozens of smaller files.
          -if you have a method such as myclass::do_nothing(), previously the list reported only do_nothing, now it reports the full name myclass::do_nothing. I'm not sure I like it, I think an option to choose this would be better
          -I confirm the search is case insensitive. Again, I'm not sure it's a good thing: it might help, but it might also create some confusion. I guess the best solution is NOT giving the same name to 2 functions, using only capitals to differentiate them (in other words: if there's a function called "start", don't create another one called "Start").
          -In tree view, if you search for a certain word, you get a list of all the functions that contain that word: good. But from that list you can't expand the VARIABLES item. Otherwise, if you aren't looking for anything, expanding VARIABLES works. By the way, this VARIABLES feature is nice. :-)
          -Constructors are listed differently: for example, myclass::myclass is displayed as ::myclass(), whereas myclass::noname is displayed as myclass::noname.
          -The lines

          #include "wireless-phy.h"
          #include "sparemac2.h"

          generate the following entries:


          I don't think #include lines should be displayed in the function list, but anyway there's an obvious problem with the name of the first file. I assume it depends on the dash character.

          All in all, however, it looks a very good job; the bugs I've reported (assuming they ARE bugs, which I'm not even sure of) are very small ones - except maybe for the fact that I couldn't get this plugin to run with 5.3.1, but it might depend on a very "dirty" and messed-up installation folder :-)

          • Plasma

            Plasma - 2009-06-12

            I had the same problem. Seems you have to make sure all the files are in the correct folders before you run Notepad++. I had to re-install it (ver. 5.4.3). When I did, I noticed that the .xml file was there but was a different size. I guess if it can't find all the files, it must overwrite it with less than useful information. Hope this helps.

    • paraglider

      paraglider - 2009-05-25

      For some reason the install instructions were not included in the download. FunctionListRules.xml, C++.flb need to be copied to the plugins\config directory.

    • paraglider

      paraglider - 2009-05-25

      Click the details link on the download page for full information ( looks like a clipboard ).

    • Fabio

      Fabio - 2009-05-25

      I've just tried reinstalling 5.3.1 clean, and now it works. On the other hand, it still refuses to work on my previous installation. Strange, I didn't think I had messed so much with that folder. Every other plugin works, after all. Oh, well, who cares.

      By the way, I would like to thank paraglider for his help as well! Somehow, I see your posts above mine, not below, so I had missed them. :-(

      To the Sourceforge guys: +1 vote to use phpBB as forum engine.

    • Eric Kestler

      Eric Kestler - 2009-05-27

      I just installed v5.4 of Notepad++; I’m running the Unicode binary.  I copied the .DLL to the Plugins folder, and the other files to the Plugins\config folder.

      I try to edit several .ASP files I have, but Function List does NOT display anything, and displays "Function List - No Rule Defined".

      I did note that you <b>do</b> have a rule defined for .ASP obviously something is wrong...

      Please advise.

