
Request: Making sessions easier to load.

  • Ookseer

    Ookseer - 2009-03-16

    Sessions are great since it seems like I'm always working on more than one (or five) project at once.

    But the current interface makes it a bit of a pain to load sessions.  Currently there's a lot of file/folder navigation to find the files, and since they dont' have a file type to filter against they get lost when in a folder with a bunch of other files.  I'd love to see one of the following:

    a) Session files added to the Recent Files list, so at least they'd be quick to access. (If you're lucky.)


    b) Sessions have their own separate "recent sessions" submenu.


    c) A file association with sessions so I can double-click a session file and have it load.


    d) Make dropping a session file on N++ open the session, not the XML.

    Any one of these (especially b or c) would save me long minutes a day navigating out deep folder structures to find the session.  Most of the time it's faster to just drag and drop the files I want N++.

    Thanks for listening!

    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-05-18

      See the help file, look under Session Management->Loading Sessions.
      It has the answer to solution c (d follows automatically).

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-05-17

      I'd vote for c), since a file qualifies as a session if either:
      * it is session.xml, or
      * if it was saved as a session

      All it takes is a sessions.ini file, one line per nown session file, whose contents woud build a menu opening as "Load session". session.xml would be considered as implicitly present on the file.
