
Official Notepad++ IRC Channel

  • Thell Fowler

    Thell Fowler - 2009-05-01

    With Don's blessing, an official irc channel has been registered on the Freenode network for end user and plugin development support and discussion!

    It is #notepad++ ( irc:// )

    The channel is new and we need the support to make it strong, so if you have an IRC client please come and idle ( or even talk :P ) !

    Developers of plugins or people thinking about writing plugins are encouraged to join the channel and get some well deserved recognition ( +V ).


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2009-05-01

      AlmostAutomated took a good initiative to create this IRC channel - it will be a way "on the fly" of Notepad++ support.

      For those who want to do the supports, or to get the supports (or both), join to this channel.


      • Jocelyn Legault

        Jocelyn Legault - 2009-05-01

        This is way cool!  Great idea!

    • Jan Schreiber

      Jan Schreiber - 2009-05-02

      Indeed a great idea. I've been chatting with almostautomated  for a while today and learned at least two useful things in the process, for example about the IdeaTorrent, the new place for feature requests:

    • Soap Skyway

      Soap Skyway - 2009-05-02

      Thanks to AlmostAutomated how helped me set up a development environment for Notepad++ in using the chat. I will try to describe the steps below:

      0. Use Visual C++ 2008 EE
      1. Checkout the latest trunk
      2. Open the PowerEditor vc.7.0.vcproj file
      3. Add existing project to the solution, select SciLexer vcbuild 7.0 vcproj file
      4. Add dependency to PowerEditor (it should depend on SciLexer).
      5. Add existing item to SciLexer called lexMySql.cxx.
      6. Add existing item to PowerEditor/MISC called MiniDumper.cpp

      Build! :)

      Soap Skyway