
Disabling zooming.

  • Jocelyn Legault

    Jocelyn Legault - 2009-04-17

    I sent this to the mailing list but there does not seem to be any kind of activity over there, so I'm reposting on the forum (btw, why are the 2 not the same??)



    I find myself frequently wheel scrolling while I still have the Ctrl key pressed from a previous operation, resulting in zooming in / out in the text, which is rather annoying.
    I've looked around in the menus and online, and I've not found anything to disable this feature.

    Is there a way to actually do this? If not, that would be quite appreciated in a future release.



    • Jocelyn Legault

      Jocelyn Legault - 2009-05-11

      FYI, fix is done.
      I'm waiting for aathell to fix the git depot so I can submit a patch.

    • Michael A. Puls II

      I'm having the same problem. Quite annoying.

    • Jocelyn Legault

      Jocelyn Legault - 2009-05-01

      I've just created an actual feature request for such a feature:

      +1 it if you'd like to see that happening soon!



    • Thell Fowler

      Thell Fowler - 2009-05-01

      +1 for the feature, -1 for happening soon.

      Why the -1?  It is a Scintilla function, and in order to have it be disabled from Notepad++ it needs to have a method to do so, or N++ needs to fork Scintilla.  Forking won't be happening for that, so that means Scintilla has to make a change.

      If you have it in you to write a patch; I'd vote for it on the Google Scintilla Interest Group.


    • Thell Fowler

      Thell Fowler - 2009-05-01

      request updated:

      If someone wants to pitch in with a patch to submit to Scintilla....

      • Jocelyn Legault

        Jocelyn Legault - 2009-05-02

        I'm game...

        I'll have a look at this over the week end.