
Run As/Debug As with Google App Engine

  • skepticvk

    skepticvk - 2009-04-24

    Hi, I'm new to Pydev/Eclipse.  I got Pydev/Eclipse running Google App engine.  I can even debug the code.  I have a few problems I'd like to solve though.

    Problem 1:
    a) How can I configure Pydev/Eclipse to default to running my GAE webserver, and show this properly in Run As?

    I've set up a Run Configuration (let's call it GAE_RC) which allows me to debug GAE, no problem.  However, I can't seem to get GAE_RC to show up in the Run As menu (only shows up in Run History).  I can also run GAE_RC by using Run Configurations directly.

    The Run As menu shows either None Applicable, or shows default Python run configs, depending on what file/folder I'm focused on in Python Package Explorer.  However, the default F11 behavior is to run my .py files directly, instead of using GAE_RC.

    Also, on project Properties/RunDebug Settings, I can't add any launch configs - all the buttons to add/delete etc are grayed out. Not sure if this is relevant.

    Is there a way to configure this so F11 will always run GAE_RC.. and show my configs in Run As as well?

    Problem 2:
    I can toggle breakpoints in my own code via rightclick, but not via Ctrl-Shift-B.  Is there an easy fix for this?

    I've tried to solve these issues myself, and spent time reading these forums and google searches for an answer.  Thanks in advance!

    Eclipse Version: 3.4.2  Build id: M20090211-1700
    Google App Engine Version 1.1.9 - February 2, 2009