
Hex-Editor v0.9.3 ANSI/UNI released

  • Jens Lorenz

    Jens Lorenz - 2009-03-25

    Hello Npp-Users,

    I did a new release of Hex-Editor v0.9.3. Here the changes:

    09/03/25  v0.9.3 :
        Fix: HexEditor 0.9.2 hangs on wrap around search [NPP-P-B-2612666]
        Fix: "Find box" sometimes cleared aft. clicking on "Find Next" [NPP-P-B-2413462]
        Fix: Normal-/Hex-Mode change replaces the cursor/selection now correctly.
        Fix: Hex-Editor causes redrawing problems when using "Go to another View".
        Fix: View not currectly freshed when opening a supported file type on a new N++.
        Fix: Better NativeLang support in dialog "Find" and "Replace".
        Fix: Hidden menu will be now correctet restricted.
        Fix: Color selection dialog now restore the current color.
        Fix: Fonts are now drawn in anti alias mode.
        New: Selected line now with different background color (changeable in Options).
        New: Selected mirror of character is now underlined (changeable in Options).

    Download it here:

    Have fun

    • Soap Skyway

      Soap Skyway - 2009-05-05

      I have tried this plugin with the new Notepad++ 5.4RC2 and there seems to be a problem with the menus. After switching to the hex view and back. The Edit and Seach menus flicker and some entries are missing.

      Thanks for you effort.


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-03-26

      Excellent! Can't get it to crash now.

      Now back to work on FunctionList v2.0 Unicode? :-)


      • Greg

        Greg - 2009-03-26

        Thanks Jens.

        My review:

        The hot key Ctrl/Shft/Alt/H no longer works, well not on my system.

        The following dialog hot keys do work.

        o, a, u, d, r, c, s , Return, Esc

        The following dialog hotkey does not work.

        p (Replace with)

        The find, when the string does not exist, terminates correctly.

        • Jens Lorenz

          Jens Lorenz - 2009-03-26


          did you changed your shortcut set? The shortcuts are based on the standard shortcuts of Notepad++. Plesae use for Replace In CTRL+H

          Best Regards

          • Greg

            Greg - 2009-03-26


            There may be something else happening on my system if Ctrl/Shft/Alt/H works on your system. I'll check.

            You also wrote, "Please use for Replace In CTRL+H ".

            I think you omitted what letter I should be typing.


        • Jens Lorenz

          Jens Lorenz - 2009-03-28

          Which dialog do you mean exactly?


    • Jan Schreiber

      Jan Schreiber - 2009-03-26

      > Now back to work on FunctionList v2.0 Unicode? :-)
      Yes, please. It's the only reason why I stick to the ANSI version.

      Doesn't the plugin use ClearType? The Consolas font looks a bit strange: (Look at v, M, A)

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2009-03-26

      Yes, I still work on a UNICODE version of FunctionList. 
      It's still ported but I try to fix the many crashes.

      Regarding the ClearType: Looks in previous version?

      Best Regards

    • Jan Schreiber

      Jan Schreiber - 2009-03-26

      > Regarding the ClearType: Looks in previous version?
      In the following comparison, look at A, M and perhaps the 0.
      It's most obvious immediately after switching to Hex mode. The same font (Consolas in my case) looks quite different in normal and Hex mode. In the ANSI build, this is not the case.

      • Jens Lorenz

        Jens Lorenz - 2009-03-27

        Ok, I will think about to change it back.


    • Acheron

      Acheron - 2009-03-29

      Thanks for the new HexEditor 0.9.3 releas which fixes the redrawing issue when using "Go to another view" in Notepad++ 5.3.

      I spotted a minor issue which causes Notepad++ to crash when you have no document opened yet activate the HexEditor plugin and press "Go to another view". This crashes Notepad++ with an Win32Exception:

      Code: 0xC0000005
      Type: Access violation
      Exception address: 0x0203760E

      Note this only happens when you have not entered any characters.