
Yet another feature request

  • Joonas Alhonen

    Joonas Alhonen - 2009-03-09

    I have tried a number of other text editors, and I have always returned to Notepad++ due to complexity of other applications. Simply put, this software is awesome! However, it's missing a few good features.

    1. PHP parameter hints for custom functions. I mean the thing when you type in a function name and press ctrl-shift-space. This works fine on native functions, but it would be a LOT better if it worked with your own functions aswell. This is the main reason i have tried several other programs, but sadly that's the only positive thing about those other programs.

    Even an ability to create php file with only functions and load functions (for parameter hinting) from that file would be so much easier than current system (editing the API file). I haven't even got that thing to work.

    2. Feature for projects. It would be just kickass to swap between projects as easily as you are changing between documents now. When you have multiple projects it's annoying to close up to tens of documents and open tens of other documents again for other project.

    • basmond

      basmond - 2009-03-13

      re 2) How about File -> Save/Load session... ?