
Default file path?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    How can I change the default path to/from which NP++ saves/open files?

    • Haibara

      Haibara - 2008-03-01

      Right-click on the shortcut you use to open Notepad++ (whether on the Desktop, in the Start Menu, or both), and select Properties.  From there, you can change the 'starting directory' (the setting is usually "Starts in:" or "Start in:") that Notepad++ will open in by default.

      • shake & bake

        nice tip.  works for me!

        <~<~<~ Shake and bake! ~>~>~>

    • Ivar Sigurgislason

      This is unacceptable.
      I'll go back to v4.7.5 or maybe change back to some other editor.
      Of course should active directory follow the active file. Nothing else makes sense the way I use editors to edit, compile and upload files.

      • Fool4UAnyway

        Fool4UAnyway - 2009-03-11

        This is unacceptable.

        Nothing anyone else than I says, makes sense the way I use my sense to judge things.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-03-11

        > This is unacceptable. 
        > I'll go back to v4.7.5 or maybe change back to some other editor. 

        No, please don't.
        We will do anything you want to keep you away from using other editors.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Just got to trying Notepad++ and am annoyed at the lack of setting (?) to specify path for data files. It always opens in the Notepad++ folder and that's not where I want to keep data files. Anyone know if there is a way to specify default data file folder?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Remember last operation directory?

    • Peter Souza

      Peter Souza - 2008-03-19

      I'm having the same issue.  I use the 'remember last operation directory', but it never works unless I misunderstand its operating intention.  As far as I can tell, it should recall the last folder I opened a file from or saved to -- it does until Notepad++ is restarted and then proceeds to forget it again, regardless of this setting or that I have N++ sessions turned on.

      Is there any way to set Notepad to remember the last working folder across sessions/application launches, like UltraEdit and other editors do?


    • Peter Souza

      Peter Souza - 2008-03-19

      Additionally, is there any way to set Notepad++ to use the directory of the currently-active tab, like UltraEdit does?  I'd prefer this to the above, actually.

      Example:  I have three files open, one from C:\Program Files\Apache\logs, one from Z:\Inetpub, and one from my desktop.  If my currently-active tab is the one from Apache's logs and I go to open a file, it'd be very handy for Notepad++ to search for files in the same folder as the one I'm working with rather than the last one I'd opened (my desktop / last operation directory) or the default folder if it's a fresh launch of Notepad++ with session restoration (in which case it relies on the shortcut to set the working directory).

      This is probably my most missed features in UltraEdit and the one that causes me the most grief by not having it in Notepad++.  I have to keep multiple Explorer windows open to quickly access the files I want right now.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        "Forget" last operation directory?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This thread seems to completely fail to answer the question. I remember pre this last update, if I clicked on 'open' or 'save' whilst I was looking at ANY file, it would show the directory the file was residing in. This does not do that anymore and it is frustrating. No doubt like many I edit files in more than one directory, so I really hope this gets a proper fix soon.


      • tmont

        tmont - 2008-06-28

        I'm still using v4.7.5 due to this not being fixed. I've read through every semi-relevant thread on this board I could find, and not found anything addressing this.  "Remember last operation" does NOT address this bug.

        To reiterate, the functionality I'm looking for is that a "Save as..." or "Open" command should open a file dialog in the CURRENTLY SELECTED file's directory.  The "Remember last operation" does not use the currently selected file's location, but rather the previous operation's directory, which may or may not be the currently selected file.

        I've been resisting updates for a long time now due to this never being readded to the distribution (I assume it's a Scintilla thing, since I believe this functionality was removed when Notepad++ upgraded to a newer version of Scintilla).  Some of the new features sound totally rad, and I'd like to use them, but the removal of that one feature is so annoying to me that I'd rather just keep using an older version.


    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-06-28

      To make things a little clearer:

      The "remember last operation directory" option locks the working directory to what it currently is during runtime.
      If you then restart Notepad++, it will be locked to the directory notepad++ started in, which mostly is the directory it is installed in.
      To have it use the directory of the currently active file, _uncheck_ this option. Switch a file atleast once or restart and it should follow the directory of the active file. If the active file is a new document, the directory will automatically reset to the directory that notepad++ is installed in.

      The word "remember" in the option simple means notepad++ will remember what it is at the moment, and keep that.
      Also, browsing in the open/save dialog has the tendency to alter the working directory if I recall correctly, so that will influence it too.

      Im considering adding an option so that instead of going to the install directory when a new file is active, it'll go to some user defined directory. However, it is not implemented and if it will be, its probably an hidden option. However, the name of the option proably wil lbe changed to something that should cause less confusion.

      • Fool4UAnyway

        Fool4UAnyway - 2008-06-28

        > To have it use the directory of the currently active file, _uncheck_ this option.
        > Switch a file atleast once or restart and it should follow the directory of the
        > active file. If the active file is a new document, the directory will automatically
        > reset to the directory that notepad++ is installed in.

        Of course, the file/tab switch shouldn't be necessary for the unchecking to become active. When showing the file dialog, Notepad++ should simply check the status of the option and choose the correct directory to use.

    • tmont

      tmont - 2008-06-28

      Okay, I wasn't completely clear in my last post. Maybe these scenarios will help explain what I'm talking about.

      You have three files open: foo.txt, bar.txt and newfile.  If I switch from foo.txt to newfile and try to save newfile, it will try to save it in foo.txt's directory.  If you switch from newfile to bar.txt and back to newfile and try to save newfile, it will try to save it in bar.txt's directory.  Newer versions of Notepad++ (greater than v4.7.5) do not do this.

      If you have "remember last operation" checked, and do an "open" while having foo.txt selected, it will open in foo.txt's directory.  Then if you try to save newfile, it will try to save it in foo.txt's directory.  If you switch from newfile to bar.txt and back to newfile and try to save it, it will still try to save it in foo.txt's directory. In this case I would want to save newfile in bar.txt's directory.

      If we could set the user-defined default directory as the previously selected file's directory, that would accomplish this. i.e. the default directory gets updated to the selected file's directory as you focus different tabs. Right now, "remember last operation" only remembers the directory if you actually navigate to that directory, rather than on focus.

      I hope that makes things clearer.

      • Harry

        Harry - 2008-06-29

        The reason this behaviour was removed is because it would cause a lock on that particular directory, so user were unable to delete it.
        It generated numerous bug reports and forums posts, so instead a directory was chosen that is guaranteed to exist: the notepad++ directory.

        • tmont

          tmont - 2008-07-04

          Ah.  That makes sense, although I found that tiny piece of functionality extremely convenient.  Thanks for the explanation.

        • HappyDog

          HappyDog - 2008-06-29

          > The reason this behaviour was removed is because it
          > would cause a lock on that particular directory, so
          > user were unable to delete it.
          > It generated numerous bug reports and forums posts,
          > so instead a directory was chosen that is guaranteed
          > to exist: the notepad++ directory.

          This all makes sense except for the very last bit?  Why would anyone want to save their files to the NP++ program directory?  Surely it should default to the 'My Documents' folder, which is also guaranteed to exist, and is likely to be a lot closer to wherever the user actually intends to save the file?

          • Harry

            Harry - 2008-06-29

            True, thats why I was considering adding that part in, though retrieving the My Documents folder was codewise harder to do, and didnt think of it.
            I'd like to see this customisable, so it takes some effort