
update problem

  • Black_Ps`

    Black_Ps` - 2009-03-10

    when you are trying to update from program it will tell you that there is no new update,i`m using npp.5.2 and in the update file <?php
    $lastestVersion = 4.5;
    $lastestVersionStr = "4.5";
    $DLURL = "";
    $curentVersion = $_GET["version"]; i think there is a bug in the updater,can you please check it out


    • Allen Zhu

      Allen Zhu - 2009-03-11

      There's no bug...

      Don just doesn't update the script that often.

      It's always better to download the .exe file from:


  • Lawrence Johnson

    I saw something similar.  I was using 5.5.1.  FileHippo had been telling me there was an update for a long time.  Unfortunately, FileHippo had been telling me incorrectly that 5.5 was an update to 5.5.1.   Now it was reporting that a version 5.6 was available.

    I tried the update check which said that no update was available.  So, I went to the NPP site and found there was a version 5.6.1 available for download.  I downloaded and installed with no problem.

    Its not a serious problem, but I'll watch closely the next time that a new version becomes available to see if the NPP update check fails to report the new version.

  • cchris

    cchris - 2009-12-06

    The updater delays its notifying by design. This allows for a fast corrective release to take place should a serious bug be spotted, before the new version with a bad bug gets massively downloaded. People living on the edge won't care - this is open source, right?
