
Block Selection

  • Mauricio Román

    Mauricio Román - 2009-03-05


    I would like know how can i make a block selection in NotePad ++?

    Thank you

    • editor tester

      editor tester - 2009-03-05

      1. Alt + mouse drag

      2. Alt+Shift + Arrow UP

    • Mauricio Román

      Mauricio Román - 2009-03-07

      Thank you it works!! ;-)

      • Fool4UAnyway

        Fool4UAnyway - 2009-03-07

        > Thank you it works!! ;-)

        You should really try the Search function on these forums.
        You could reply in the same way.

  • nimoh

    nimoh - 2010-01-23

    I have been looking for this too, and didn't find any documentation on it, but through trial and error I found that holding down the alt key while selecting text allows a block selection