
$(CURRENT_WORD) is limited only to 259 chars

  • Edoardo Tirtarahardja

    It seems the variable $(CURRENT_WORD) can only hold 259 characters.

    I try to have an external command to decode messages. This messages can literally very very long. Unfortunately the variable $(CURRENT_WORD) has limited length and truncate the message hence my decoder fail to decode it.

    How to reproduce the fault:
    type in 1 line:
    123456789012345... (upto 270 characters)

    Then run an external command (Run\Run) and type in:
    cmd /k echo $(CURRENT_WORD)
    And execute it.

    A command prompt window will pop up and echoing only the first 259 characters.

    The older version of NPP (upto 5.1.1) used to crash, but the NPP 5.2 is better, however it truncate it. But I need this function as some of my messages goes a lot longer than that.

    I tried to make my group using NPP instead of the expensive MultiEdit, however this fault may hinder this :(. Can you please fix this?

    Thank you very much for your kind attention.

    Cheers //Edo

    • Edoardo Tirtarahardja

      Hi DV,

      Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately I can't use your suggestion :(. As our decoder need the selected text (this long message) to be given as parameter as in echo in my example.

      To be exact, this is how I need to call our decoder:
      NS_DecoderLaunch "$(CURRENT_WORD)"

      Cheers //Edo

    • DV

      DV - 2009-02-23

      You can try to use NppExec plugin with its function SEL_SAVETO instead. Read "Notepad++\plugins\doc\NppExec_Manual" for more details.