
How to save Keybaord shortcuts

  • qmark

    qmark - 2009-02-18

    I use Shortcut mapper to add new keyboard shortcut for some scintilla command.  (copy and paste )

    They work fine. Unfortunately, if I close notepad++ and reopen again, they don't work they disappear from eh shortcut mapper. 

    how can I save changes made to shortcut mapper. It is a pain to add all new shortcut every time you open notepad++.


    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-02-21

      The shortcuts are correctly remembered on my machine, using 5.1.4.

      I configured N++ to not use %APPDATA%, and added an empty doLocalConf.xml file to the installation folder, as I noticed I was losiung some other changes. This makes me think that the issue could be a missing doLocalConf.xml file in your system.
