
Option to close all documents

Tim Kerch
  • Tim Kerch

    Tim Kerch - 2009-02-19

    Right now I can't close all documents in notepad++, there has to be at least one document window open. If would be nice if I could close all documents, sometimes it helps me center myself and clear my head.

    • MMTsuchi

      MMTsuchi - 2009-02-23

      You have in menu : File > Close All

      • Sam Hishmeh

        Sam Hishmeh - 2009-08-20

        I agree, NotePad++ forces you to have at least one document open and it would be nice to have an empty window with no open documents.  I can see why the designer might want to implement it this way, because what's the point of having the program open if you are not working with anything, but I disagree.  It's nice to have a blank screen when there is nothing open so you have a starting point, also so you are assured all documents are closed.  Plus, nearly every program I've used that can open multiple documents has the ability to stay open with no documents open. It would be nice if the program conformed to what was standard.  Can I make this a feature request?

        • Jocelyn Legault

          Jocelyn Legault - 2009-08-27

          By all means, add a idea on IdeaTorrent.
          I can tell you however that it's going to be rather low priority...

    • Bob Uncle

      Bob Uncle - 2009-08-20

      Easy fix ... close the application if you don't need a document open.

      • Sam Hishmeh

        Sam Hishmeh - 2009-08-20

        Anyone else have comments?

    • Tim Kerch

      Tim Kerch - 2009-02-25

      It still leaves an empty document called 'new2' in the workspace and that document can't be closed if it's the only open document.